Why all the doubts? It's gonna be amazing, of this I am sure. How can any of y'all even consider delaying your Skyrim experience?!? :whistling: It baffles me! It's like grandma is baking cookies, the best cookies in the world, but you're gonna wait until they're cold before even taking a bite!
These doubts seem to be mostly the from PC crowd, which leads me to believe you're mostly waiting for particular mods to hit the scene. There aren't as many pure vanilla players here (like myself) so my viewpoint may be somewhat biased. I'll admit I LOVE Oblivion for lots and lots of reasons (as you all know) but I can't wait for Skyrim. I'm sitting here at work today reading and drooling over the Bethesda forums> Skyrim> Quakecom thread (where all the interviews & character screenshots were posted) :drool: and dammit 11-11-11 can't get here fast enough! I don't get the doubting!
Before some of you way "well it's cuz you've never tried the modded game, Renee", I imagine even if I were on a PC, 11-11-11 couldn't get here fast enough! From what I'm reading, vanilla Skyrim sounds miles better than Oblivion as I know it for sure for sure.
Anyways, discuss....