Darkness over Eden-rp

Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:40 am

The Story

War cannot be changed. Once someone has an idea for a noble crusade they convince others to follow them. Men, women, children, all join together to make their leader's vision come true. In the capital wasteland there was hope. Hope for the survivors to rebuild and have faith again. That changed when a group called the "Reformation Army" showed up in the wastes. This new faction to the waste had the fire power to rival both the Brotherhood of Steel and the Enclave. The sole purpose of this faction is to claim the enemy land for China. The Reformation Army has been spotted marching towards the Citidel, inorder to kill the rest of the Brotherhood before moving onto the Enclave. Do two mortal enemies join forces to destroy this new threat or will they watch as their bitter enemies fall at the hand of the Reformation Army.

Character Sheet




Faction: Brotherhood of Steel or Outcast, and Enclave



Armor or clothing:


Bio: This can be optional.


The story will take place at three loctaions. Depending on your faction is where you will start. The Reformation Army do have power but it is almost pitch black with the red flag of china on the back. No the Brotherhood does not have Liberty Prime. I would like it if you could post in first person but it is alright if you post in third person.


Brotherhood of Steel- Citidel

Enclave- Out in the waste near the Satcom arrays (the satcom satalites. . . it is satcom right?)

Outcast- Fort Independence

These are the locations you will be at during the Reformation Army attack.

One other Note

These events take place at different periods in time. The Brotherhood being the second event while the Outcast is the last event. Sorry Enclave you are attack first. This is for history purposes so you won't think these event are happening at the same time. And you don't have to wait until another event is over to start your event. The events happen at the same time but in different points in history. The Reformation Army does have helicopters or helibirds as well. Hope you enjoy.
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Jade MacSpade
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