A new way to manage more than one install setup
By: InsanitySorrow and Hanaisse
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 08/16/2011
Download: http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/997-multiple-oblivion-manager-mom/
MOM is a new take on managing multiple Oblivion installs. It's a small app with a powerful punch that will ease the confusion of trying to manually switch between two or more Oblivion setups.
Multiple installs are becoming an increasingly popular trend. For anyone who has ever wanted to have a testing environment without messing with their current install, this is for you. Or for retaining an OOO oriented install but want to try a new TIE install.
MOM will create and manage each completely separate Oblivion setup (called "images").
Best of all, MOM will swap out these images with a click of a button. No more manually renaming folders!
Read the included README for all detailed information.
- Import one or more existing install setups.
- Create new copies of an existing install setup.
- Name each image however you'd like to easily organize each setup.
- Manage each image completely separate from each other.
- Auto-detection of your existing install.
- Customize install settings.
- Easy launch of Oblivion, the Construction Set or Wrye Bash.
- Quick and easy to use.
- Error logging for fast support.
- Full support.
InsanitySorrow @ TES Alliance
Hanaisse @ TES Alliance
Please report any problems/issues via this thread. Be prepared to provide the error.log and any pics that show the issue.
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