Well, then I am wondering whether the use of such a tool could be generalized. That is, as far as I know, such a tool, made available to the players, only exists for the ten playable races in the game. Do you think it would be nice that the devs build similar tools for other, non-playable races, provided they're endowed with a vaguely human shape?
Such a tool wouldn't be available to the player, of course, but well to the devs and modders.
Making some face or body features of the creatures the player encounters random would then allow more diversity in the game in the sense that you wouldn't encounter twins or clones of one and the same individual. I think this would contribute to deepen the visual realism of the game as well as the feeling of walking into a living world.
Moreover, given the amazing results obtained with the playable races, I have no doubt that some Dreughs, Spriggans, Falmers, Scamps, Dwemers' ghosts, or whatever the creatures we'll see in Skyrim, could become very charismatic as well. And once these tools exist, probably they would make it easier for the devs to craft special individuals, such as for example an especially powerful Impish questgiver, whose wise wrinkled face would give clues that he knows ancient secrets...
Such a partially random spawning could also be used with any creature, generating, for example, black spots in the fur of light-grey wolves. Or a scar in the skin of a horker, or leucistic foxes and ravens.
Further generalization could make such tools available to vegetals, or even to various in-game items.
To be honnest, I don't expect this to happen in Skyrim (however, I may be wrong...), because I realize that building such a tool for the playable races is likely to have cost lots of work. If it isn't already implemented, there is no chance that it'll be for the release of the game.
However, perhaps we could hope such a thing for TES VI?
So, what do you think?
Do you like the idea that partial randomness could occur in the spawning of in-game creatures, and that these creatures could benefit from advanced creation tools?