inside your Libraries (For those with windows 7 C:\Users\%User%\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV), there's a folder called My Games, inside that is another folder called FalloutNV, inside that are two config files that are NOT deleted when you uninstall and reinstall the game. All I have done is deleted the two files listed below:
When you reload the splash screen, it will automatically go through your video settings then you can even enable mods and play the game as usual. This seems to be a temporary fix because if you exit and try to reload the game, the crash will resume, requiring you to delete the two files again and going through the video test. But for me, this has worked 100% of the time and HOPEFULLY will lead someone *Cough* Bethesda *Cough* to get a hotfix out ASAP. Please post if this has helped anyone as it has greatly helped me.