» Thu Aug 18, 2011 6:41 am
Actually, yknow what?
I want more.
I've been reading the Skyrim forums lately, reading about the new features and such and....I'm none too impressed. They're simplifying everything, cutting out skills and attributes, including health over time and offering very lackluster perks to differentiate between the different weapons types.
I got to Fallout New Vegas from Oblivion. My very first RPG was Morrowind, but I could just never get into it before I lost my copy. Then Oblivion came out, so I played that to death. Once I needed something else, I got Fallout 3. And upon hearing about New Vegas, I bought that too. And yknow what? I think New Vegas beats the pants off of all of them, and I actually wouldn't be surprised if New Vegas turned out to be better than Skyrim. Even though this is my first game from Obsidian, yeah, I think they're better than Bethesda. In New Vegas, every weapon is worth getting, and which weapon you stick with is highly dependent on your SPECIAL and your perks. There is no do-all beat-all weapon, there is no do-all end-all character build. This is a very well designed game and I love it, and of course I'd love to see more.
I think people are saying no because I think we're all ready for the Courier to have his final stand-off in the Divide before riding off into the sunset. We just don't want to see it dragged on and on until it gets ridiculous like with Broken Steel. But would I like a Fallout: New Vegas 2 or another game by Obsidian? 100% yes.
Having said that, where should I go if I want to tell Obsidian thanks, if I want to tell Bethesda I want to see more New Vegas or if I want my opinion heard at all?