threads like this, as common as they are, sorta help me focus. I got several characters so I'll go thru their games one by one
Luci Pheria: Just recently restarted her game again, with mirocu's suggestion.
She started off as a dark elf witch character (tried to make her kinda like the Wicked Witch of the West from Wizard of OZ) and now she's a vampire. She does no quests (absolutely none) and merely bothers, maims, and kills whenever she can. She's currently at Level 3.
She's in the habit of taking over several locations (Weatherleah is her fave) and mostly dwells in the Great Forest/Chorrol/Skingrad area. Specializes in poisons & potions, stealth, illusion (mostly Frenzy, tho I'm gonna include Invisibility eventually), conjuring zombies, and a couple other magic tricks.
I thought (after she became a vamp) her game got kinda lame, but now that I'm back into it, I'm having some fun with it! Thanks mirocu. I still think the actual moment of biting NPCs should be more dramatic, though. :shrug:
Eradi~Kate: My lovely Mestizo (that's latin & indian) looking character. She's a Level 3 Breton, specializes in stealth, bows & arrows, knives, Alchemy, and she can also conjure zombies. Kate is currently going thru the Dark Brotherhood questline, along with a few other random quests here and there. She's kinda sorta just being random, though.
She got kicked out of the Mage's Guild after murdering Erthor for his cave, and it was worth it.

She's not into money at all, and is currently saving up for a black horse.
Beujock the Grey Wizard: He's currently a country gentleman, not really doing much. A level 7 Breton, Beujock is extremely powerful. Finished up both the Main Quest and Mage's Guild. Resides in the Arcane University tower and Chorrol Home (forget what it's called).
Every time I play his game, I find myself really digging it for an hour or so, but after that, I roll my eyes alot. He's an over-the-top sorcerer, Hollywood-style, and now that he's done his main quests, he's jsut too powerful for me to take seriously.

I'm thinking he
will make it to Shivering Isle, tho, which I've never attempted to this day.
Lou Zehr: Level something Redguard Theif, doing the TG questline. Loves skooma and breaking & entering. I haven't touched his game in ages, mostly because it lost focus. Main house is the pirate ship (Marie Elena) on the Waterfront.
Dyan phor a'Cauz: my red-headed Level 8 Nord paladin character, my oldest character to date. She's head of the Fighter's Guild and I believe she was jsut about to touch the finishing stages of KotN as well. She's Lawful Good, which means she follows and enforces all laws of the land, never steals, never murders innocents, bla bla. Never sneaks, does not use poison, destructive magic, scrolls, etc.
It's been awhile since I touched her game, mostly because I play dead is DEAD, and perhaps subconsciously I'm a little apprehensive about the stage of her game. Renee Gade II died while fighting Umaril, I really really don't want Dyan to also perish.

But it could happen, and she knows this. Yikes!
*IN all cases above, all classes mentioned are custom.*