What happened to classic?

Post » Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:30 am

Right, so i went back onto Crysis 2 the other day and had a whale of a time trying to find the classic game mode, to no avail. I had to accept it was gone. I played the game mode where one team had N2's and the other had none, but better weapons, and i'll say that i enjoyed a change in pace where i would need to be more aware without the nanosuits aid, so was looking forward to playing the TIA version of it.

Until it was gone, that is. I know it wasn't a very popular game type and that the main focus of the game is the Nanosuit, but i like to take a break from the N2 every so often and play as a normal human, and don't say 'Go play CoD for that' I mean as a human in the Crysis game world. I think it was, maybe, a mistake to fully take it out of matchmaking.

Also, on the topic of matchmaking, sort out the FY71, that gun is overpowered as **** and it's pissing everyone off, fix it!
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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:25 pm

Here you go:


Regarding fixes, don't hold out too long for that.
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Brandon Bernardi
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