Cazador. Really, really tough to hit without using VATS, I'd say I make -maybe- 6 of 10 snap shots on Cazador.
Deathclaw on the other hand are pretty hard to miss, and pretty much beeline straight at you.
As for weapons, I generally use a Shotgun with Magnum for Cazador, and .45-70 SWC Brush Gun for Deathclaw.
Deathclaw on the other hand are pretty hard to miss, and pretty much beeline straight at you.
As for weapons, I generally use a Shotgun with Magnum for Cazador, and .45-70 SWC Brush Gun for Deathclaw.
Not saying I use VATS for every last kill because that would be tediously easy and slow but surely if your going into a real battle then its the way forward.
Also is it not VATS that stops Fallout being just another mindless COD wanna be? 2 shots here 2 there and a sneaky 1 in dudes face just for luck! It adds to the RPG element, fancy turn based combat as you still take damage and even die!
I'd like to see someone take on 4 Deathclaws up close on hard-hardcoe mode as oppose to 6 Cazadores! Absolutely no contest, the angry claw wins hands down!!!