Game start issues

Post » Fri Aug 19, 2011 12:15 am

Well, I just purchased New Vegas. Purchased 2 expansion packs, and loaded up the game. Upon starting the guy at the beginning does not say anything(except a word here or there), and it seems to pause for a very long time between choosing my name. After restarting my PS3 as I thought it had locked up I came to post this, however I could pick my name after waiting long enough(about a minute). I then proceeded, yet he again said nothing while his mouth was moving. It then seemed to lock up again(but I could still hit x and it would make a sound). Waiting another 2-3 minutes it finally popped up the HUD. Is this normal that it takes this long to load stuff, and the characters skip all words except one here and there?

I waited to buy this till now hoping these issues were fixed(my friend bought Fallout 3 and griped about such issues), apparently not unless I am missing something.

*edit* After finally getting past the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. screen, it seems most dialogue is taking a long time to show up(when the old man starts asking the questions on the couch it pauses at least 2 minutes between each question)? I really hope this is just a issue with the last patch, or should I remove the expansions maybe till I get to them? Thanks for any response!

I really want to like and get into this, so hope I am doing something wrong here. However this is making me not want to buy Skyrim, knowing the last few games have been this way and seem to be getting progressively worse. I figured these issues were PC related, since I usually had them in the past only on the PC counter-parts with mods installed(Morrowind, Oblivion).
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Steven Hardman
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