Hard Luck Blues has you seeking out the source of radiation contaminating the water supply for the NCR Sharecropping operation outside of New Vegas. It brings you into Vault 34, a vault that was overstocked with weapons and understocked in accommodations, resulting in a drive at violent population control. The armory is raided, groups fight through the vault, and eventually someone shoots the reactor cooling or something, resulting in radiation leaking out through the vault. You find the vault inhabited by crazed ghouls with shards of humanity, and it all leads up to reaching the reactor room where you find an SOS from a group trapped elsewhere in the vault. You are given a decision where you can either shut down the reactor, saving the sharecropping operation and dooming the trapped vault dwellers; or you can give full control over to the vault dwellers so they can open the door, dooming the sharecropping operation.
Now, for my problems with this quest:
1. How can a master terminal not have the ability to open the door to the area where you would be transferring control in the first place, thus allowing you to open the door and THEN shut down the reactor?
2. Why would a vault be designed where master control can be transferred or duplicated frivolously?
3. The existence of survivors in a broken down, highly radioactive vault suggests that the events within the vault happened recently. Yet ventilation required for life support within their area of the vault would mean they would be dead or ghoulified anyway. Yet you have the Boomers who have been established for decades, who originated as survivors who supposedly broke out just as this all began. The survivors shouldn't be alive.
4. It creates a mind-boggling situation for a moral dilemma just to have a moral dilemma.