It's called virtual reality, which works so well Boomers can fly 200 year old planes, and Palidians can have more experience and be more deadly than every other group. Plus it's not as if the BOS doesn't still have experience from before the lockdown. I want to see where you can prove the VR sims aren't as good as real life training.
Are you seriously trying to argue that virtual reality is better than reality as a form of training?
Why don't you go amass an army of Call of Duty players and attack Russia? Tell me how it works out.
Yes, but if those BOS back east are as dumb as the ones in the Mojave sure they would die from the Legion. The only way to victory and domination for the BOS is for them to go with my plan.
Never said they need, they'll lack ammo. After the largest battle in human history since the Great War AND most administrative officers dead the they're REALLY going to lack ammo. Plus with such a heavy weight put on melee most won't care. You see the Legion has enough ammo to deal with the NCR and a few problems, but haven't added the BOS into the mix. So less ammo, plus less administrators, plus BOS, plus long walk = bad day.
Concerning the officers.
This is complete fantasy with nothing to support your claims.
Okay let's use some common sense.
A. Many of the troops used in the Battle of the Hoover Dam are Field Commanders, otherwise known as Centurions. These guys run the overall stragetic outlook for the Legion and are the most experienced. Guess who Lanius throws on the front lines during the Second Battle? His Field Commanders. Now do you remember what happened the last time the Legion lost a large number of higher experienced troops? They lost due to disorganizatiion and the trap. This time with so many Rangers at the Dam, plus MANY NCR grunts, quite a few of Caeser's best men are going to die, even if the Dam is won. That said in the short term organization is going to hard, espeically the long march to Vegas.
B. Camp Golf will fall also, but it's not as if the Ranger's tactics have changed, which is killing high ranking officers first. In fact since it will be a basic fight to the death and the Veteren Rangers win in all fights against an even number of Centurions, when you add in the bonus they get for sniping...and MANY if not most top officals and commanders will die. You can't just defeat the Veteren Rangers without breaking a lot of eggs.
A. Have you played the freaking Legion/NCR playthrough?
NCR playthrough you fight through hordes of recruits with a Centurion here and there, then you run into several just before you reach Lanius' camp itself. Legion playthrough you encounter ONE centurion, standing safely in the back, commanding his squad, telling you he's sending his men down under inside the dam. House/Yes Man quests you're essentially leeching off the NCR's work in combat (you're skipping the entire fight underground and headed straight towards the Legate's camp), which is why you see them much quicker.
And have you paid attention to the lore? The Legion was NOT disorganized, nor have they ever been. Every single example we see in the Mojave suggests they're the most organized military in the Mojave. The Legion lost because of Chief Hanlon's brilliant plan and that alone; you can find quotes from several characters in game stating that the NCR were getting their asses handed to them UNTIL the trap turned the tides. The NCR Rangers were the only group that was still in good standing and hadn't suffered significant casualties by the time the Legion hit the trap, the one exception being the NCR 1st Recon, who were with the NCR Rangers as they gunned down the remnants of the trap. This is why Oliver is envious of the Rangers and wants to outshine them with his Heavy Troopers: because in the first battle, the NCR army did horribly with the Rangers being the saving force behind the battle.
And why the hell would you base the results of the Second battle on those of the first? Chief Hanlon's cunning and the effectiveness of the Rangers was absolutely pivotal in the NCR victory; in the Second Battle, the Chief isn't in charge, Graham isn't in charge of the Legion and the Rangers are being downplayed by Oliver. If you do a Legion playthrough and actually pay attention to the tactics of the Legion shown in the Second Battle, you can see they're CLEARLY more organized and would have the upper hand, if not for the Courier.
B. "Camp Golf will fall also, but it's not as if the Ranger's tactics have changed, which is killing high ranking officers first." Again, source? Where the hell does anyone say that's the ranger's tactics? The most we have is that sharpshooters have attempted to assassinate Graham. Well wtf, Caesar attempted to assassinate Kimball. That doesn't mean that Centurions typically go for the high ranking officers first.
And again, go do a Legion or NCR playthrough and pay attention to how the Legionnaires fight the battle. They're not idiots; they know the NCR's best troops are their snipers, so what do they do? They take the battle to the tunnels, ducking in doorways and jumping out at the enemy whenever they approach, effectively taking away their distance advantage.
Who cares? If the BOS let the NCR take the steam out of the Legion it's just easy pickings past that point they don't need a lot of men or women. With this plan they do a min. amount of fighting too, all they have to do is hit and run attacks on top members on the journey to Vegas, the rest falls apart.
Ok so wait a minute....
You just got done
fantasizing about how supposedly, a lot of commanders are going to die in the Legion, making this the MAIN part of your argument as to why the Legion would be weakened, and yet your response to the
FACT that the BOS recently lost their elder with many of their members questioning the capabilities of their new one is "who cares?"
Boone lead a one man attack that almost killed the man in chrage of the Legion's military and he's not the most experienced or best trained fighter in the Waste. You know who are? Palidians.
Again, where are you getting that Boone "almost killed the Legate." That's not written anywhere. It says he was strung up on a cross, and Boone is Fallout's Chuck Norris.
Go talk to Caeser, it does. Or use common sense. Why else would YesMan/House call them the biggest threat.
Really in this scenario the BOS just takes the role of Mr.House/Yes Man. They let the NCR get crushed by the Legion, the throw a monkey wrench into Lanius' plans. After the NCR basically leaves the Legion at it's weakest point ever, all the BOS has to do is blow some air to make it all come crashing down.
WTF??? How can I talk to Caesar about a game end description? The game's over! You can whine and say he should kill the BOS and not send you, and he says he COULD, but would rather sustain minimal losses. That's based on his cautious
judgement. The actual game ending where the Legion confronts the BOS makes no mention of them suffering heavy losses, whereas it DOES if the Legion fights the Boomers. That to me says that the Boomers are stronger than the BOS and that the Legion would take out the BOS easier than people think.
House and Yes Man call the BoS their biggest threat because they're the most likely to be hostile towards House/Yes Man. They're tech-zealots and House rules his society with robots, so of course they'd fight him. Again, with my above point, the endings seem to suggest the Boomers are stronger than the BoS, and yet House doesn't fear the Boomers. Why? Because the Boomers are isolationist: House only fears the BoS because they'd undoubtedly wage war with him.