Add two or more versions of the armor to the game.
Add holotapes for each version (like the sonic emmiter) that you need to find to unlock additional abilities, or award them after doing the challenges.
Allow switching between armors by clicking on the stealth suit picture in the Sink.
Version 1: Low DT (2), low weight, gives bonus to agility and percepcion, +20% sneak speed, light armor (may even increase stealth boy duration like the Chinese suit), full body armor (helmet included)
Version 2: High DT, high weight, bonus to sneak, agility, perception, strength, +20% sneak speed, medium armor, increases stealth boy duration, full body armor (helmet included), bonus to sneak skill
Every other variation would be between those two versions, can mix and match several other abilities into the mix that are not mentioned here.
Each version could be created with the on board computer online(annoying voice + med dispensing) or offline (no voice or meds).
OPTIONAL: After doing the quest and creating the armor additional armors could be created (bought) at the sink, so that you could give one to your follower
JUSTIFICATION: You don't need armor when properly sneaking, so the low armor version would give you the best possible stealth benefits but you would go down easy if a firefight ensures.
The Medium Armor version would be for the players that like to sneak sometimes but also need a good defense when it goes terribly wrong.