My first idea from the original thread: Assuming that werewolves are in, do you want to be able to choose how your PC as a werewolf looks, instead of just having a generic werewolf across all playthroughs? I remember a thread a month or two ago had something like this and people were saying that they didn't want to be taken out of the game and into a character creator to make a separate werewolf PC. So, I was thinking what about instead of taking to to a create-a-character screen, the game kind of asked you questions, something like; "You wake up from a horrifying nightmare about being chased by a savage animal through the woods, what color was it? [Black} [Brown] [white] [mix]* how large was the creature? *[small] [medium] [large]* what color were its eyes? [blood red] [black as night] [blue like the ocean] [brown like the earth] at the climix of your dream, you realize that you aren't the one being chased, you are the savage creature and you are chasing a defenseless villager, as you go for the kill and bite the poor man's throat, you wake up screaming."
*choosing "mix" brings up another pop up menu were you pick the main color and secondary color from the three colors given
** The size of the werewolf will affect its speed, health, and power, with small being the fastest, but being the weakest in both health and power, but being able to attack very fast. Medium being somewhere in the middle with average speed, health and power. While Large will be the slowest, the most powerful, with the highest health, and attacking the slowest.
Your were-form could also be affected by your race in appearance and stats, but I'm not sure about how that one would work.
Idea #2: hair and eye color based off of your PC and the werewolf's size based off of your race, with a Nord or Orc(and maybe Altmer?) character making a "large werewolf" and a Bosmer making a "small" one, and since most other races don't have astounding height differences, they could be "medium" or if we can change our height in the beginning, it could be dependent on that. I made it the kind of questioning/multiple choice way because, as someone said, just because your character is short and bald, doesn't mean that you don't want a big brown werewolf form.
Black 6's idea: Perhaps race could play the role of not only determining your size, but your body type as well...
Nord Wolf - Large, tall and muscular, almost bearlike in stature
stats: uses crude, brute strength to deadly effect, favorite method of attack: running down its prey on all fours like a freight train
colors: white, dirty brown or gray
Imperial/ Breton/ Redguard Wolf - Medium stature, well defined, sleek in appearance
stats: perfect mix of strength and speed, favorite method of attack: chasing down its prey with a running jump and quick swipe of its front paws to either disembowel or sever the jugular of its prey
colors: gold or reddish brown
Altmer Wolf - Tall, Lean, Built like a greyhound
stats: Speed and intelligence boosts, favorite method of attack: Using speed and cunning to its maximum advantage, feigns retreat then quickly doubles back on its prey with deadly accuracy
colors: jet black or copper
Dunmer/ Bosmer/ Wolf - Short, blocky build, Pit-bull like in stature
stats: Speed and Silence boosts, favorite method of attack: Waits in the shadows silently, then strikes with lightening quick efficiency without warning from up on high or down below
colors: midnight black or tawny brown
Khajiit/ Argonian/ Orc - Beast races are excluded from becoming werewolves due to genetic lines already mixed with cat, lizard, or goblin ancestry...
So, what do you people think?
Thread numero uno: