Looking over them again, still like how they look like actual people, I have come to dislike some
1. Cato, almost jealous of how muscular he is in that picture
2. Caesar, that picture creeps me out with his wrinkle face and hook nose.
3. Mr. House, he looks so peculiar...
4. Crocker, he is a white guy...
5. Pacer, he looks like he wants me dead
On that note my top 5 would be in no paticular order.
1. NCR veteran ranger, it looks extremely threatening
2. Arcade Gannon, it looks like he is going to hurt something with mad science
3. Tommy Torini, I don't know he looks awesome
4. Colonel Tsu, looks like a hero
5. Praetorian Guard, may be wearing centurion armor, but that spear looks awesome.
Dude, Cato's card is one of my favourites. Just the combination of his quote and the way he's standing... ass of badness.
Caesar looks weird.
House looks... Okay to me.
I haven't ever met Crocker in-game.
Pacer does want you dead.
Arcade is one of my least favourites.
He looks ring-a-ding!
Yeah, it's like watching that South Park episode where some guy draws Cartman, Kyle, Stan and Kenny as what they would look like IRL
I'm not sure why the [censored] a Praetorian is wearing Centurion armour.