I dont understand why certain types of ammo are not craftable. Make them expensive as you see fit but please make them craftable. I'll even go as far and say that make vendors carry alot less of special ammo, encouraging people to make it on their own. This would make the ammo less accessible than it is. Right now as the game is, When you reach the strip, special ammo like hollow points and armor piercing are no problem at all. I suggest those vendors shouldnt carry more than 20 of special ammo. I just love the feel crafting your own custom rounds gives you (Yes i have hand loader but thats not enough, i want more )
Even that argument aside, If you can make nuka cola and sunset sarsaparilla, Why the hell not ammunition? To the "realism" trolls, i dont care if it breaks realism , nothing is more unrealistic than Aliens. And dont bring me loads of info about how Hollow points or armor piercing rounds are manufactured in real life so unviable in the game. I DONT GIVE A DAMN. Right now the game lets you craft so many things, its very good. I dont think being able to craft these bullets would break the game in any way.
So Obsidian, PLEASE make those rounds craftable in the next patch / DLC.