My second time: I studied how the DLC is, and figured out that you can destroy the radios and speakers. And that exploring the Villa Police Station is totally worth it. I figured out about Hologram emitters and all that good stuff.......I still didn't bother to finish the DLC yet, it got boring halfway through, after I had to get Christine in that elevator. I'm able to finish it, its just that I don't want to finish it. I'll probably get back to finishing it........soon!.
Ghost People get repetitive.
Cloud is just an annoyance when you have limited supplies and it takes out that much health in a little amount of time.
Speakers and radios seem to be hidden sometimes and you can't really find them. (Well, I can't really find them)
Holograms.......I redicule! What are they supposed to be? "Ghosts" that haunt buildings? At least let me damage them. If I can't damage an enemy, I'd rather not have him shooting overpowered lasers at me. While I run to the nearest room and close the door, later trying to find the emitter. Rediculous.
The only reason I wanted to give it a second go is to get the Automatic Rifle and Holorifle.
Automatic Rifle's spread is too high, forget it.
Holorifle is weak (IMO). And forget the upgrades, I'm not gonna search them.
I really hate the annoying stuff (Ghosts, Holograms, Speakers, Radios, Cloud), all that wasn't necessary! Not at all!
So did I enjoy Dead Money?.........No.
(You see, my tone is calmer from my previous Dead Money post (in another thread) because I just woke up......)