True, but we've never seen or heard of any such children resulting in said unions, and theres no evidence other than him telling her she might end up pregnant to support that such a birth is indeed probably, let alone possible. See which actually contradicts what I said about no reports, but confirms about there being no official documents and casts biological doubts on the possibility. I would say the official documents would refer to things like census and birth records.
edit: Besides, who really wants to give birth to a kitten? their so damn needy and destroy all your good furniture with their tiny little claws. :glare:
Ouch! That was a good read, though, it even had a lot to say about intermingling with orcs and in fact mentioned that "some traces of the father's race may also be present." That is good to know!As far as creating a hybrid race in the actual game, Skyrim, I think it can be done. My "half-orc" is supposed to be a blend of both races, man and orc, and, given the range and amount of character customization that Skyrim appears to have, I might be able to tweak the slider options to create my orc with a more "human" appearance. This would include features such as pinker skin tones, a less prominently curled nose, maybe smaller tusks, I'll have to wait and see what I can do. Although, some of the orismer screenshots released so far have looked totally different from each other while still retaining the base "orc look". So, I am hopeful - and possibly a little confident - that I would be able to fix up my character to how I want her to look like.
Now, as I've mentioned before, she would be referred to as an orc by NPCs, and would have many obvious orcish features, but that is okay. She is supposed to look like that, as a half-orc will still look like an orc, albeit with less pronounced features. At least, my variation of a half-orc would be... At any rate, to other races, she would still be considered an orc and hopefully orcs themselves would consider her one of them as well.
Who knows, maybe down the road from now, if I ever get into modding, I can try to make a "half-orc" mod with NPC reactions. I don't know where I'd get the extra voice-acting from but I may be able to do something to bypass that issue.
EDIT: That was a little off-topic, sorry. I don't think anyone would really care about that in the "lore section" of these forums. Aaanyway, I think the main question has been answered so far. Thanks, everyone!