Poor boy! Of course it sounded gibberish to you, as you don't understand a single word of it. Us Dutchies on the other hand can handle ourselves pretty well in English. B)
Cooking dragonflies?... Should taste funny....
I lol'ed very hard at his expense, sorry buddy... Yeah I'm glad I learned English as my native language, being born speaking the most widely spoken language is a god send, saying that I still struggle with it even tho it's second nature, I'm hardly dense if a like dyslexic lol
Imo really big hats off to the multi linguists, that and accurate translations FTW
On topic
As already stated the level of detail brought to crafting really pleases me it's personalisation of any game aspect is always my favorite part of games. I'm hoping for 100% interact. Like what was said 'if you can see an npc do it you can do it'. Being to take insects birds fish along with all the plants and crafting metal and materials through stages, I hope leather and hide go through a few stages to, that and jewllery would be sweet too.
Yeah all the little details really make this game epic in my eyes, I'm gunna waste so much time decorating my house lol.
We've seen a wood cutters axe and a mining picaxe which I guess you need to perform the actions required to gather such resources, I would like it if even tho all crafting skills have benches, no more on the fly repair or alchemy, which IMO is a shame in a way as well as great. I liked having to find/buy a good set of alchemic gear.
So I hope that, even tho it's very unlikly, that you still have tools to buff your skill/cost/proficiency, hammer tongs callipers ect are given a use and good quality sets are hard to some by. I would like a set for smithing with a subset/item for jewllery, a set for enchanting, a set for alchemy, a set for cooking, and Single items like wood cutter axe mining pic ect.
Lol bee keepers out fit for better honey collection lol
Must get pc must mod in stuff as beths already doing a grand job I can't exspect them to fill every gap!