A lot of games eg GTA, Bioshock, alter ingame perceptions and scramble movement controls to an extent, in an attempt to emulate the effect of heavy inebriation, and it struck me this hasn't happened, to my knowledge, in an Elder Scrolls game. :foodndrink: :celebration: :violin: :swear: :rofl: <--- my projection as to what taverns'll look like
SO. With the tavern fights adding a new element of depth to the game, do you think drunkenness will make its debut in Skyrim? I honestly would like to see it, the tavern brawls'll be much more interesting if you can do them with an element of visual impairment, perhaps sluggish response timing or a wandering cursor or something.
I included a poll because why the hell not. :flamethrower: :flame:
I mean it doesn't contribute much to the game but it's a recurring theme in many of them. And you need to consider their age ratings, I don't know about what they tend to aim for. Or how that affects anything. But in my opinion most people on this forum'll take any opportunity to discuss/suggestthingspertainingto/complainabout anything.