Favourite Peice(s) Of Equipment And Why? (No Mods)

Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 12:26 pm

I'm reasonably new to this forum, so I'm not sure if this has been put already, but oh well.

My favourite gun usually changes every few days, but I do love "That Gun", due to how I love revolvers, but enjoy the more 'futuristic' look of it. I like to wear the Combat Armour Reinforces Mk. 2, along with the Rebreather and the Boomer Hat/Cap. I also love the Gold Bars and the Security Reinforced suit from Dead Money, and spent hours trying to find a way to get all the gold bars out.
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:12 am

Armor: Assassin Suit, Van Graff Combat Armor, Remnants power armor, Brotherhood T-51b, Bounty Hunter Duster

Head Gear: Lucky Shades, Ranger Hats, Ranger Gas masks, Remnants Helmet, Boones Beret

Weapon: Q-35, Plasma Caster, YCS/186, CZ57, Gobi Sniper Rifle, Oh BABY!, Ballistic Fist, Pushy, Paladin Toaster, Ratslayer, Lucky

*·*Assassin Suit just looks amazing, and looks amazing with a Ranger Helmet, and a Assault Carbine.
*·*Van Graff Combat Armor just looks like the best Combat Armor you can where.
*·*Remnants Power Armor, just gives that old school feeling.
*·*Brotherhood T-51b... 2,000HP? Yeah... thats why.
*·* Bounty Hunter Duster gives me that awesome "Ranger Type Feeling" if I'm using my "Cowboy"
------ --------- --------------- --------------- ------------------ --------------------- ---------------------

*·*: Lucky Shades are just Amazing. ;)
*·* Ranger Hats look awesome with my Bounty Hunter Duster and lucky shades. :P
*·* Ranger Helmets just look cool, and while wearing the Assassin suit i get that "Resident Evil Commando" look I dig.
*·* it looks to weird not to wear the remnants Helmet with the Armor.
*·* Boones Baret adds 5% to Critical Hits. nuff' said.
------ --------- --------------- --------------- ------------------ --------------------- ---------------------

*·* Q-35 is just an awesome weapon to use for Energy Weapon Social work
*·* Plasma Caster, mixed with Remnants armor gives me that full "old school look" I really dig
*·* YCS/186, its one of the best if not thee best sniper rifle in the Game
*·* CZ57 mixed with power armor, it is EXTREMELY Deadly if you can aim naturally.
*·* Gobi Sniper Rifle, The Critical Damage is amazing
*·* Oh, BABY! ... Where else are you going to find a pierce of equipment that can do the damage it can?
*·* Ballistic Fist is fun just to watch with Bloody mess.. nothing like Exploding enemies.
*·* Uppercutting people and watching them fly is well worth the annoyance of finding it.
*·* Paladin Toaster is just great to have if your up against robots and Brotherhood
*·* RatSlayer, nothing like getting a critical hit 100% of the time
*·* Lucky, Great weapon teamed up with my bounty hunter suit, and gives me that "customized" Cowboy feeling, that and how easy Critical hits are.
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:16 am

i love Lucky and A Light Shining In Darkness. fully modded hunting rifle is sweet. Gecko-backed leather armor reinforced, that black combat armor....umm....fully modded laser rifle. i love those things in OWB that like float around your head those Valence Radii or whatever things. most of the weapons from OWB were pretty sweet. automatic rifle was good.....okay lets just say i pretty much like everything.
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XPidgex Jefferson
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:16 pm

My favorite armor and helmet would be the Desert Ranger Combat armor, my favorite weapons are This Machine and A light shining in hte darkness, mostly because I love the Garand and 1911.
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AnDres MeZa
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 2:41 pm

Armor: JG's Armor, or SM Security Armor Reinforced.

Clothing: Lucky Shades (but I'm liking Dr. Mobius Glasses too), Bandanna, Bounty Hunter Duster.

Weapon: The Survivalist's Rifle, .45 Pistol, Hunting Rifle+++.
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Rude Gurl
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:17 am

i love Lucky and A Light Shining In Darkness. fully modded hunting rifle is sweet. Gecko-backed leather armor reinforced, that black combat armor....umm....fully modded laser rifle. i love those things in OWB that like float around your head those Valence Radii or whatever things. most of the weapons from OWB were pretty sweet. automatic rifle was good.....okay lets just say i pretty much like everything.

That's me. From mid to late game, as my character is getting close to maxed, I start playing around with all different kinds of stuff. Before I temp shelved the game, waiting on LR, I grew a rather fondness of Vera's Outfit ( on a male char ) and packing the Cosmic knife Super-Heated. Bust up in a Casino, adding ALSID, poisoned throwing knives and own the place.
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 3:34 pm

i love Lucky and A Light Shining In Darkness. fully modded hunting rifle is sweet. Gecko-backed leather armor reinforced, that black combat armor....umm....fully modded laser rifle. i love those things in OWB that like float around your head those Valence Radii or whatever things. most of the weapons from OWB were pretty sweet. automatic rifle was good.....okay lets just say i pretty much like everything.

Van Graff Combat Armor. ;) The easiest Combat Armor to get at an early level. Just find the Wreckage over by the Gun Runners. :P
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sara OMAR
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 3:07 pm

Armor- Assassin Suit or Stealth Suit Mk 2. Th only issue I have with Mk2 is it's Medium and can't be repaired as "easily" as the Assassin Suit.
Head Gear- 1st Recon Beret and the Atomic-valence tri-radii-oscillator. Health Regen? Yes please. Repair with glasses and hoods? Yes again.
Weapons- 12.7mm Submachine Gun+, Holorifle+, Hunting Rifle+, Hunting Shotgun+, Sniper Rifle+ (Soon to be Christine's COS), YCS/186. There's a couple more I think but for now that's it.
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