Armor: Assassin Suit, Van Graff Combat Armor, Remnants power armor, Brotherhood T-51b, Bounty Hunter Duster
Head Gear: Lucky Shades, Ranger Hats, Ranger Gas masks, Remnants Helmet, Boones Beret
Weapon: Q-35, Plasma Caster, YCS/186, CZ57, Gobi Sniper Rifle, Oh BABY!, Ballistic Fist, Pushy, Paladin Toaster, Ratslayer, Lucky
*·*Assassin Suit just looks amazing, and looks amazing with a Ranger Helmet, and a Assault Carbine.
*·*Van Graff Combat Armor just looks like the best Combat Armor you can where.
*·*Remnants Power Armor, just gives that old school feeling.
*·*Brotherhood T-51b... 2,000HP? Yeah... thats why.
*·* Bounty Hunter Duster gives me that awesome "Ranger Type Feeling" if I'm using my "Cowboy"
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*·*: Lucky Shades are just Amazing.

*·* Ranger Hats look awesome with my Bounty Hunter Duster and lucky shades.

*·* Ranger Helmets just look cool, and while wearing the Assassin suit i get that "Resident Evil Commando" look I dig.
*·* it looks to weird not to wear the remnants Helmet with the Armor.
*·* Boones Baret adds 5% to Critical Hits. nuff' said.
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*·* Q-35 is just an awesome weapon to use for Energy Weapon Social work
*·* Plasma Caster, mixed with Remnants armor gives me that full "old school look" I really dig
*·* YCS/186, its one of the best if not thee best sniper rifle in the Game
*·* CZ57 mixed with power armor, it is EXTREMELY Deadly if you can aim naturally.
*·* Gobi Sniper Rifle, The Critical Damage is amazing
*·* Oh, BABY! ... Where else are you going to find a pierce of equipment that can do the damage it can?
*·* Ballistic Fist is fun just to watch with Bloody mess.. nothing like Exploding enemies.
*·* Uppercutting people and watching them fly is well worth the annoyance of finding it.
*·* Paladin Toaster is just great to have if your up against robots and Brotherhood
*·* RatSlayer, nothing like getting a critical hit 100% of the time
*·* Lucky, Great weapon teamed up with my bounty hunter suit, and gives me that "customized" Cowboy feeling, that and how easy Critical hits are.