Canyon Wreckage.

Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 2:57 pm

I am sure I have been here once before but forgot about it. I just noticed it now, and it's nothing special, but I noticed some spraypaint on it , where before I never gave it a second thought. since it says "Lonesome Road" and then off to the side it says "You can go home Courier". Was it here all this time? Just wondering,

If it was here all this time, why would it sway "You can go home Courier"? Is this part of a quest, or just something that was there all this time?

*edit* I just noticed it says "The Divide" and also "Courier 6?" so now I am sure it is about us. So does this mean something or someone who just doesn't like us? If they don't like us why?
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:56 am

Ya it has been there since day 1. There was a thread though that showed something else was said in the pre-release screens that is now not there. Wonder what happened to it
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 6:33 am

Its obviously the start point For Lonesome Road! Could be wrong but if I am will never play the game again as Im clearly not worthy!
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:45 am

I didn't know that
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:47 am

Been there from day 1. I've honestly been obsessed with the thing since I learned about it, and attempted to move in several times but packs of coyotes made me leave the area not too long after.
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 3:21 am

In NV all of dlc start points have been locations on the map since day1, unlike F3 that gave new locations. Its clear the writers of NV new where the story was going from the off where as F3 felt like they were testing the water trying ideas. Like I said could be wrong but Im pretty sure Canyon Wreckage is a sign post through to the Devide!
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Wanda Maximoff
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:15 am

I think Ulysses and the Courier were Caravan runners(possibly gun runners) and the Courier caused them to Wreck it and possibly Ulysses had some Family die. Thats my guess...

Courier will say things that are too far apart not being a Caravan trader.

Especially from the Quest Talent pool...
-Telling Bruce Isaac "Yeah I saw you at the sharks club in new reno"
-and then talking to the Lone Drifter "you wouldn't happen to be 17 from Montana?"

That's a Massive gap margin for one person to just "Drift around." plus with Ulysses "obsession" of finally talking for fighting the Courier could only mean that there is Definitely family involved.. Maybe the Courier is older then we imagine and Ulysses is his long lost son? I unno.
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Post » Sat Aug 20, 2011 11:44 pm

I got the impression the drifter fellow is the survivalist's son from Honest Hearts
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Kristina Campbell
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 3:41 pm

I think Ulysses and the Courier were Caravan runners(possibly gun runners) and the Courier caused them to Wreck it and possibly Ulysses had some Family die. Thats my guess...

Courier will say things that are too far apart not being a Caravan trader.

Especially from the Quest Talent pool...
-Telling Bruce Isaac "Yeah I saw you at the sharks club in new reno"
-and then talking to the Lone Drifter "you wouldn't happen to be 17 from Montana?"

That's a Massive gap margin for one person to just "Drift around." plus with Ulysses "obsession" of finally talking for fighting the Courier could only mean that there is Definitely family involved.. Maybe the Courier is older then we imagine and Ulysses is his long lost son? I unno.

After reading again I kind of see what your saying but I never paid much attention to Talent Pool thinking its a give me something to do quest. Is what they say banter or does it bear relevance? Dont know about being family. I thought that at start but not convinced! Its certainly a clever plot and after putting in 60 hours on F3 this week is far superior for sure! The only real thing I dread about Lonesome Road is that it brings our Courier's road to an end.
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:08 am

or it could be his beginning. I just hope Ulysses story is worth it. I am going to wait to buy Lonesome Road, and just wait for the spoilers with his Story. NV has basically all led up to this confrontation with Ulysses. They better not mess it up.. or at least have the loot damn well worth it..

I'm worried that it will be a short story, then a fight.. one dies everyone goes home.


Ulysses is his Son, and they have a long lost Father son moment, they kiss and hug, and the Credits roll... man i would be bummed.

The Funniest thing would be if Wild Wasteland had something to do with it... like Have Ulysses hand the Courier 100 caps and say "Hey, you drooped this by the divide... just wanted to return it too you! Also dude! This Chick Christen is hot as [censored]! It took me forever to track her down but DAYYYUMMM! I could see why her Ex(Veronica) Turned lesbo!
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