So is Dead Money really hard? So far started a new game, at level 10 right now, (yes I know I should be around level 20) before I start. So far, I haven't died (mainly because of the companions I have) but like the idea I haven't died yet.
So my question is, is it easy to die in DM? Any tips without spoiling the game how to survive DM so I don't die. Got this from the Dead is Dead thread. I know if I die, I will just keep playing from last saved game, but love the idea of not dieing so far.
Basically what I am asking is how to survive trying to play without dieing making the game so much more intense. I guess I am relying (is that spelt correctly?) on Boone and ED-E to much right now.
Please no spoilers
It's difficult to give solid tips to DM without spoiling it a bit for you so here's the best spoiler free tips I can give you:
Food, healing items and ammo are going to be scarce at first, so for the first part of the DLC, while you are gathering your "companions" just pick up everything you can and stash the stuff you don't need immediately by the central fountain Eventually there's going to be a way to trade unneeded junk for Pre War Money and later Pre War Money for Sierra Madre Chips.
Towards the middle supplies are less of a problem and discovering how to survive the environment becomes the challenge.
You probably want to save often and keep multiple saves just in case because there's going to be a lot of trial and error on your first playthrough of DM.