so im really hopeing for a lot of responce for this thread, because i havent seen any others like it. do you hold a grudge against a npc? would you just love to lay a dagger into them- vent out oyur anger here

in my personal exsperiance the person who i REALLY hate in oblivion has to be.....shes a saucey church-goer who gets kicks from praying to mary mother oculd only be ALESSIA OTTUS! ( i would like to talk about the nine divines)
on the surface this lady appears to be a respectable,wise, devotant sevant of the nine divines, indeed her books seem to of uped her residence to her more comptable demands...( ill come onto this later)
why do i hate her? because shes the biggest too-faced [censored] in cyrodil!
her books ( a guide too...) are a mixture of over emabllesed accounts, outright lies and malcisouness, this lady has NEVER got a good word to say about anyone or anything ( she even insults the counts and countesses) she does of course seemenly try and justisfy her sneers and taunts but putting up her "divinal" front.
she absoutly loathes the poor, the guilds, magic and security, which are amoung her long list.
i recently ( again) readed her "guide to bravil".... she makes it sound like as soon as you walk into the city you will be robbed,murderded- " the inns are a disgrace, its not uncommon to have to walk over drunks and avoid puddles of sick" she seems to loathe this town so much she even considers you staying in the mages guild- even with their " evil and ungodly" practices
COME ON PEOPLE! i mean when was the last time you steeped over a dead body at the waterfront? or got murdered in your bed? this lady should be written out of the script.
please post