Starting a new Roleplaying Nightblade

Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 3:57 pm

Hello everybody!

I tried to avoid creating an account for character creation reasons but I am seriously stuck on my next character to create. I currently play on Xbox 360 so my game is naked 8(

I wish to make a sneak-type character. I attempted to role-play a stereotypical thief, based after my favorite series, Thief (aka Garret). However, I find the use of the bow somewhat discouraging. Not going to complain on balance but my enemies generally look like a pin cushion before I even take half their health away Haha.

After having the most fun I have had in Oblivion as a pure Breton Mage, who was obsessed with knowledge. (Always taking books from the mages guild). In addition to that, I didn't agree with the mage's guild to eradicate Necromancy and thought the mages were cowards. Main spells started as destruction until he started to understand the real power behind Illusion (now my favorite school of magic).

So I decided that maybe roleplaying a nightblade would be my next step. However, I am conflicted on race creation, back story, and how to further play a nightblade. I also seem to be limited based on game mechanics too 8(. For example, I wanted Garret to live further away from the city (house in the wilderness). However, their isn't safe containers in most of the wilderness homes. In addition, I don't think a nightblade would be as interest in living away from society? As an assassin, he needs to be near people to watch his target, learn to charm people... ect. I am just tired of always buying Rosethrone house and wanted something different.

So far I was thinking.... When (nightblade) was an abandoned child. He/She had to constantly steal food to survive. However, one particular day, near dusk, (nightblade) was playing tag with children from the orphanage when a steward of the locale lord almost ran him/her over, seemingly purposely. Tired of the joke of a life the gods handed her and in outrage, he/she followed him until he (steward) left town. Just shortly after leaving the city walls, (nightblade) closed in the Steward as he prepped his carriage for the long voyage. Almost instinctively, (nightblade) closed in on his/her prey when out of nowhere a vampire attacked the steward and killed him almost instantly (I am going to roleplay it was Seridur from the virtuous blood quest-line 8) ). The vampire literally ripped limbs of the man, and ungodly screaming could be heard miles around. However gruesome the attack was, it brought some satisfaction to (nightblade). But what they were not prepared for an Imperial guard to be close by. As he ran towards the victim, the vampire left with unholy speed, leaving our character and the body alone. Quickly caught and blamed for the murder, our "hero" found himself/ herself in prison to serve a lifetime

Character likes: (Nature, Alchemy, knowledge, and artifacts)
Dislikes: Gaurds and the rich
Weapon: Daggers ( I find assassins who use short swords are unrealistic) with poisons
Armor: Leather, Glass?

So this is where I am stuck. I have no idea which race, however, I kind of dislike Dumner because I find it hard to roleplay as them. I usually play Breton all the time so something different. Tried Bosmer, but without training in Marksmanship and using destruction magic, isn't it against lore?

Now for the gameplay mechanic issues I am thinking will come up:

Sign: Thief or the Mage
1. Stealth
2. Illusion
3. Sword
4. Destruction
5. Alteration
6. Light Armor
7. Acrobatics?

Now comes the issue. I plan to be mostly close quarter combat with this nightblade. So touch spells only. Now, realistically, Stealth based characters aren't very strong. Am I going to be weak without heavily leveling Strength for my back-stabs? Also how should I incorporate touch spells with melee attacks? Like Backstab > Touch > Poke > Touch? I do have to make sure I have enough magika to use invisibility or Cam to run away.

I am sorry the post is so long but I am stuck hehe
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:20 pm

I will read your post a little bit later as I have some studing I have to do but I just wanted to let you know that today I created a new character a Female Breton Night Blade and will be doing something simlar to what you. Will read your post later and give you a heads up. I spent about 30 minutes so far just creating her and did about 4 minutes of the starting dungeon. Her name is

Silmeria - Female - Breton - Night Blade (well going to be once I get the choice, I am not sure what Sign I will choose)
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Taylor Tifany
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:57 am

Have you considered a Khajiit? Or possibly Argonian for your nightblade?
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:49 am

I cannot play Argonian. Just cannot see myself as a "Pond Scum." Plus I appreciate plain lands (being from the midwest) so Swamp environment isn't my cup-of-tea.

Is it hard to roleplay Khajiit? I didn't play Morrowind so I am somewhat lacking on both them and Dumner lore. Is Khajiit familiar with magic?
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 3:58 pm

I really can't say lore wise but ideally skill wise i think Dumner would be the best nightblade. if you set against them though, maybe an altmer. the melee skills could be attributed to your orphan on the street upbringing and the magic skills to the altmer's natural abilities. and maybe for a bit more on a backstory the kid could have been raised in a mostly human populated town so always felt different and out of place and maybe bullied and frustrations built which led to the outrage at the steward.
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:11 pm

I am starting to think a female Dumner would be interesting. Using their "charm" to draw in prey. However, isn't it true that most other races don't trust Dumner? I mean seriously if a bunch of people start dying in town, it would be my hero, random Kajiit or Argonian to blame... but would work well with the backstory.

How does my fellow assassin role-players continue with their character after the completion of DB and Thieves guild? How do you come up with targets? It is where I am struggling with my character story. I may just make her and see where she takes me. But it difficult to justify morals when I really don't know her, if that makes sense.
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