Pete Hines Werewolf answer (gamescom)

Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 2:55 pm

If they are in, I don't see the point of removing it. It's not like everyone is going to deliberatly get infected since everyone wants to "Slay Dragonz" and "Burp Dragonshots".


They would remove it if it didn't work right or fit right, just like the horses. As we know, the horses worked out. Maybe this just has too many bugs or just doesn't fit the world they're going for, or its just something new.
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:02 pm

I actually used to like vampires, but the media killed them along with my interest. Never cared for werewolves, EVER! I just think they're lame.

Then I found liches...

Lol, this reminds me of a conversation I had in 2nd grade. We were talking about how we no longer liked the power rangers. Then in an effort to seem extra cool, this one kid said that he never liked the power rangers.

That would be the extreme version of vampire. You would likely be attacked on sight by eveyone.

I want to be a Necromancer. Not just the 'summon skeletons out of thin air' kind, but actually have a lair where I can bring back body parts and ingredients to create a PERMANANT companion for myself. Have like 6 Skeleton minions following me around at once. Have a small army of skeleton and zombie guards at my lair. Supplying better equipment for my skeletons.

I want the same option with Conjuration as well. Where you can bind Daedra into mundus for the long-term.

Then be the Vampire necromancer warlord bad guy. pretty sweet.

I think it would be really cool to create permanent zombie companions. They should be fairly hard to make, considerably weaker than summons and once they're dead you'd have to completely repeat the process to keep things fair. However, it would be awesome to do this.

Meh, no werewolves=no sale. I'll just wait for Mass Effect 3 or buy the PC version after a werewolf mod is out.

I don't know what they've been telling you but there aren't any werewolves in ME3. Plus, judging from ME and ME2 the gameplay won't be nearly as good.

As soon as I get the game, I will read the Guide and check the Player stats for any hints on werewolves. Then I will make a topic saying "WEREWOLVES CONFIRMEZ". And brag about how the people who were skeptical was wrong. But that's just me. Wishful thinking at best :P

Lol, no way I'm going to be on these forums for at a month after I have the game.
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Raymond J. Ramirez
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:26 pm

due to the fan interview i bet there will be at least vampires, would love werewolves
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Naomi Ward
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:58 am

i think people are going to be disappointed if they fool themselves into thinking pete confirmed werewolves...

you're just building up false hype by twisting words around, i think... just accept the game for what it is, and if we find werewolves, great, but dont jump in expecting to find them, because you'll only ruin your fun.

I started my first playthrough ever for Morrowind about two weeks ago, and having a blast without werewolves or vampires.

When I played Oblivion back in 2006 and now recently really didnt think of being a werewolf or vamp. i just took the game for what it is.

Bottom line is I love Elder Scrolls for the base game, anything outside of that is just icing on the cake.
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:58 am

I don't know what they've been telling you but there aren't any werewolves in ME3. Plus, judging from ME and ME2 the gameplay won't be nearly as good.

I'm aware of that. I dont only like werewolves and vampires. ME series allow you to make crucial choices. Plus, the story is good, the gameplayy is good and renengade's shephard dark apperance is kickass.

On topic, We only have 2 months to find out. Bethesda has something for us, maybe a small easter egg probably, Maiq The Liar's ghost talking about werewolves.
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 2:54 pm

What is Pete's interpretation of main game ..
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Emilie Joseph
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:02 pm

If he thinks that lycanthropacy will be a feature that they put hardly any effort into (assuming the main game is what they are focusing on) I'd rather not have it included.
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Ryan Lutz
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:21 am

or they keep their mouth shut and let everyone buy it... even the people who will be pissed there arent werewolves or vampires...

but srsly i think there will be both at some point... there is too much demand not to include them in some way...

however the quote indicates to me that the probability of them showing up in dlc is much greater than them showing up in the main game

People were pissed about no spears, no mounted combat, not being able to ride dragons, etc. etc. They gave a straight "no" to those things.

The only other thing they've given a "we're not ready to talk about that yet" to was the Dark Brotherhood. Just like werewolves/vampires, they know it's something a lot of fans love, hence the tease.
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 4:27 pm

Or they have a big surprise for us: we can turn into were-vampires, but we catch the disease from jackalope bites.
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 4:59 pm

I don't know. With the Dark Brotherhood, though they used the same wording for their answer originally, nobody would expect it as a DLC. For werewolves and vampires, which are as important to me as having magic.. :ninja: I would bet there are either in or out of the main game only, with no DLC for them.
They have said they want to do larger, more expanded DLC, werewolves seem small in comparison to Shivering Isles.
I hope they will be in, it would be a perfect setting.. They talk about the "feel" of Skyrim, why not Werewolves??
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