Played NV a bunch in the fall when it was new. Quit around January. Got back into it and downloaded the DLC's about a month ago. Been playing the game fine but recently I've had trouble loading my most recent saved game when I launch from Steam. I can get into the game just fine but if I hit Continue or manually select my most recent saved game it stops at the next screen where it gives you tips, shows a background shot of some part of the game, and the roulette wheel spins. I've left it sitting for half an hour with no difference. I can't get out of the game either. CTRL ALT DEL launches the task manager but I can't see it, ALT TAB does nothing, Shift Tab as well. Have to manually reset the computer.
Rather frustrating. Anyone else noticing this?
Also having a large amount of random crashes lately. No real pattern it seems like, just playing along and bang, crash and I'm out.