Which is the best FNV DLC in your opnion?

Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:06 pm

Hey guys i wanted to know what is the best new vegas dlc in your opnion. I don't actually have a opnion about this topic myself because i haven't played any of the DLC's , but i figured that starting a topic like this one would help me decide which dlc i should buy first. So feel free to tell everybody what DLC is in your opnion the best , and maybe tell us why , just DON'T :flamethrower:
Thanks for reading my text! :wink_smile:
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:40 am

I'd say dead money, if it didn't just suddenly end and in the vault wave over 350,000 worth of gold bars in your because noone has over 1000 weight capacity -_-" so I'm gonna have to say old world blues. Much hope for Lonesome Road, *SPOILERS* I wanna see Ulysess already!!! Grrr....
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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:24 pm

I'd say dead money, if it didn't just suddenly end and in the vault wave over 350,000 worth of gold bars in your because noone has over 1000 weight capacity -_-" so I'm gonna have to say old world blues. Much hope for Lonesome Road, *SPOILERS* I wanna see Ulysess already!!! Grrr....
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Amy Cooper
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 4:40 am

IMO Dead Money was the best to this point. In hardcoe mode it challenges you in may different ways, it was the best story IMO, and you can get the best loot out of it.
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:09 pm

you plan on getting them all anyway? play HH, DM, OWB, then LR. thats probably the best order. HH doesnt really have anything to do with anything, owb has some things that make more sense/are more interesting if youve played DM, and LR will probably be best if done last.

DM has the best story out of the 3 that are out, but its.....different, its not for everyone, either you love it or hate it
HH and OWB both have short, crappy stories.
HH has the best scenery but its locations are small and empty like the mojave
OWB looks like the mojave, is the funniest, and its locations are more intersting/fun to explore than NV, DM, or HH.

DM has 2 guns (auto rifle and revolver), 1 ew (scoped), a few melee (one thrown), 1 unarmed, and 2 or 3 thrown explosives

HH has 3 guns (pistol, smg, and unique service rifle), 1 ew (pistol), a few melee (one thrown), 1 unarmed, and a thrown explosive

OWB has 2 guns (minigun and unique generic sniper), 3 ew (pistol, rifle, and unique tesla cannon), 2 melee (one thrown), 2 unarmed, no explosives.

mightve forgotten a weapon or two
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:52 am

Dead Money was frustrating ,but the characters, the story, and the setting saved it for me. Honest Hearts was meh, the two things that I liked about it was Graham and the equipment. Old World Blues had a story that I felt was lacking, but the characters(Dr.Dala :wub:) and the exploration hit a home run with me. I felt that Dead Money was the best all around compared with the other two DLCs.
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