then i find that the Classic Pack (gotten from GameStop) includes some nice shiny bling, besides the hefty W10mm wich is deff an über startgun, i emagine the canteen will help me greatly in my quest to complete it in hardcoe mode on the highest setting, so my question/request is:
Is there aaaaaany way to get/bypass legally to get the Classic Pack for PC version this late???? ofc without having to resort to buy an entire new copy of the game. Like a place where you can buy the individual packs, i know u can with like DoW2 (pre-ordered there and felt pretty dumb when on release date could pick up all "pre-order packs" for a low cost afterwards anyways), any1 know of a site, service like that for FO NV packs? already got the exp DLC but still feels like something is missing so if an1 could help get them (legal) would be GREEEEATLY appreciated, i know its late and my fault for not having money to preorder, but shouldnt we all be a le to enjoy ALL of games content if we are willing to pay afterwards??
