Noooo Gojira went down!?

(Was kinda hoping for an absolute curbstomp like the roboscorps)
Oh well, least they got their revenge!! lmao
xD At least they did.
Sweet I like watching your vids, thanks! :tops:
Thanks man! I noticed you have an argonian for you avatar.
So... epic lmao.
Love that glitch btw. What a view eh?
Haha yeah it's nice view, but unfortunately the game crashed and the bug never occurred again.

So sad..

Maybe now we can have an army of ED-E's (fully upgraded) vs something?
Perhaps. I haven't found much interest in companions unfortunately.
Darn it, I should have said "First!!!" for my comment on the vid. Oh well. Keep em' up NPCwars! :foodndrink:
Haha, thanks dude.
RIP Gojira. You will not be forgotten.
We need a speech for him.