Wow, sorry, I just rechecked this thread a few minutes ago, I didn't realize it had started such a large discussion. Let me try to reply to the high points.
For the record, there is no limit. It is always best to get permission from a modder *before* you start a project where their work is essential.
Ultimately, I work on mods that I want in my own game first. If I think someone else might benefit from it, great, I'll look into release viability. For now I'll stay in a holding pattern until Sandman101 gets back with me. Worst case scenario, I enjoy my work privately.
My other option is to simply re-do how his scripts work from scratch, so that it contains all original content. A download of his mod for the art assets would still be required. However, I don't have a lot of motivation to do that because a) the TES scripting language is extremely limited, and there's only so many ways to accomplish something the most efficient way via scripting, and it might end up being an inadvertent copy of what he's already done, and b ) his scripts work perfectly fine as they are; if the goal shifts from being efficient to being original, game performance will suffer.
I know one of the features he was working on for Oblivion Style Quivers and Sheathing Bows was the number of arrows in the quiver showing up in-game when you started getting low on arrows. ...I don't see why Chesko's work couldn't take the form of an add-on rather than a remake.
There's a few reasons why this won't be viable, and it mostly comes down to script execution time, script efficiency, and script length. Here's a breakdown of how my primary script works.
- Check to see if one out of 26 different arrow types are equipped on the player.
- Check to see if one out of 29 different pauldrons are equipped.
- If a pauldron was not found equipped, check to see if one out of 29 different "pauldron+quiver" items are equipped.
- If a "pauldron+quiver" item was not found equipped, check if the player is equipping one out of 14 different bows.
- If a bow was found, kick off a script that checks if one of the 29 different "pauldron+quiver+sheathed bow" items are equipped, specific to that bow type. There is a different script for each bow, to limit the script to checking only viable possibilities. This script returns to the primary script whether or not a "pauldron+quiver+sheathed bow" was found, and if so, which one.
- After all of those checks, run a bit of logic that figures out what to do based on the circumstance. "I have arrows equipped and a pauldron, so remove the pauldron and replace it with a pauldron+quiver item", etc.
As you can see, I'm shuffling around a lot of items. It's sitting at 995 lines now, and not long ago I hit the upper bound of script length that it would still allow me to compile, so I had to restructure some things a bit. If I had to guess how the depleting arrows functionality would work, it would be that you would have a separate pauldron+quiver item for each "stage" of arrow depletion you want to show. Assuming you have 5 stages (100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, 0%), that would mean I'd need to check 29*5 = 145 items instead of 29 at step 3, and 145 items per bowtype at step 5 (2,030 items total would have to be accounted for!), which runs things way out of bounds in both length and script efficiency. if you're curious. It's not done, so expect some ugliness.
I'll look again and see if it's possible to decouple my work from his, and only include my original work, but I'm not sure if that's possible yet. It will require some variable passing tomfoolery between scripts in different .ESPs, something I've never tried before.
Thanks everyone for all of the input. While I am a believer in the "living work" approach to modding so that things continue to get better, I also understand that the modder's own wishes should always be respected.