The game is not done. The end.
And did Oblivion look better when it was done than it did in the video of the E3 demo?
2. what is definition of outdated? who put the standard? Crysis?
The standards of what qualifies as outdated is defined by the overall quality of games on the market, not just Crysis, if a game's graphics look sigificantly worse than most games on the market, whether as a whole or just in specific areas, than it is outdated. Though since I haven't seen any examples of Skyrim's water ripples, just what the water looks like when the player does not disturb it, I will not judge the ripples themselves, however, the water I've seen in screenshots and videos has failed to impress me, not so much because it's not better than Crysis, from what I've seen, it even looks like a downgrade compared to Fallout 3, at least in terms of the actual quality of the water graphics. Admitably, Fallout 3 didn't have flowing water like Skyrim seems to, but as a rule, you should make sure you're water looks good when it's still except for the standard waves you expect to get in video game water before you start trying to simulate it flowing, because if you can't even make a plain water effect look good, I think it's safe to say you're flowing water isn't going to be very impressive. And if someone who actually thinks Skyrim's water looks good is still criticizing the ripples, than that probably doesn't mean I'll be very impressed with them, unless the videos and screenshots Bethesda has released so far that include water are just very misleading, in which case, I think Bethesda ought to think about whether they put the right people in charge of advertising the game.