Benifits of using Steam?

Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:16 am

Having never used steam and seeing alot of discussion regarding the topic, i am wondering what are the Pros and Cons of using steam to play a game like Skyrim?
Im not sure i entirely understand the concept of what steam is.

Also do you guys think the PSN will have Skyrim as a downloadable game at Midnight? If not when do you think they will relsease the game via download?

Im trying to decide which platform to get the game on, playing at 12am 11-11-11 grants bonus points to any platform, nah mean?
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Devils Cheek
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:19 pm

It depends on who you ask.

Some people like myself, like and use Steam for quite a bit of their gaming, while others think it's a direct attack on their rights to own and resell their games and refuse to use it at all.

As for what Steam is?

It's a Digital distribution and Digital rights management service, which sells the largest of AAA titles right down to the small Indie ones, it has plenty of features, like community features, automatic updates, voice chat, with built in mod support for games that provide access to such features, amoung other things.
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