» Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:38 am
Yeah after buying the DLC (what can I say, I just enhoy C2) I have to say all my doubts aside, these maps do rock. These were the kind of maps I expected to see out of Crysis 2, moreso than the ones in Retaliation. They are fast paced, laid out well, and you never feel far away from the action.
The FY71 rocks and Im glad Ill be able to keep using it on all maps. The smoke grenade, well I guess its more than a novelty than anything, I got a good use/kill with it once but I prefer my frags, C4, or flash. It would be nicer if the area of effect was larger, or if you got 2 by default. THey dont seem to provide a very good smokescreen for escapes.
As for the patch, glad to hear the reboot thing is fixed, Im still debating if I want to reboot or not as I approach the end of 50 towards "51". The score limit increase in TIA is nice, games tend to fill out the entire 10 minutes more, less time in menus = fine with me.
But yeah, the maps absolutely rock. Although I still think EA should have made it all one big DLC for $15-20 for consumer and company reasons, I tip my hat off to the Crytek level design team, those guys (and girls!) earned their paychecks!