Too bad Crytek!

Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:13 am

Ok, the things I'll write down are my opinions, please respect them.
I didn't like the game. It's not a perfect game, it's average. Why? I'll tell you why: I bought the game only for my Xbox 360 Slim. I played singleplayer first. Graphics are perfect, I agree with that. Story is much better than first game. But it's short. That's not a problem beacuse there are 2 more difficulties to finish game again. When I finished SP, I started multiplayer. I played for an hour and I liked it. Then in the middle of a session, MP paused, there was a counter up on the screen. When it became 00:00 game kicked me because of connection issues. CONNECTION ISSUES??? I never had this problem before on any game. Ok, I play Red Dead Redemption, it gives that connection problem sometimes, but NOT EVERYTIME I PLAY. And multiplayer is not like a CoD or any multiplayer FPS games. It feels so...insipid. There are somethings missing in MP, I feel it. And when I try to join a new session: It founds a new one, counts down, 4 3 2...Finding a new session. WTF??? I'm waiting and waiting and waiting, then it disconnects from that session! And those bugs...I hate the game because of those bugs. I'm telling Crytek, if you were worked on multiplayer like you worked on graphics, this game would be perfect. Only part I enjoyed on this game was the singleplayer part. This game doesn't deserve the money I gave. If you will only work on graphics in a game, don't make multiplayer for that. Either improve your multiplayer part or don't make a multiplayer part.
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 4:10 pm

Yup its the same feeling from us all here. Reason for SOOO many host migratin/connection lost during the game is simple. Wankers leave cuz they cant play and leave /rage quit ****!.

And for the netcoding its terrible lol. Try playing with a party it adds a hell of a lot more problems lol. But the game is still awsome when it plays properly.
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:47 am

Valla Abi ben bu oyunu cok sevdim. Bide türkce dublajli helal olsun Crytek'e bide Yerli kardeslere!
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Lexy Dick
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