I am desperately looking forward to finding reliable information as to how I can improve the drawing distance in FO:New Vegas. Most of the information I come across on the Internet seem useless. To illustrate my point, here are three screenshots I took just outside goodsprings, with game settings at max :
I really would like to have more details in the "medium range" distance. For example :
- in the first picture, have more of the Goodspring houses drawn and have the road NOT disappearing at once in the middle of nowhere
- in the second picture, have the railroad appearing a bit more realistically... NOT just that portion there; also, have mor of the abandoned caravan appear near the prison
- same thing in the third picture : have the road show up in a less immersion-breaking manner, have more things show up (caravans, fences, etc.)
- everywhere : have more trees and bushes appearing, have the grass draw farther
I have a fairly good rig that should be able to handle those things.
I have tried playing with the most commonly cited parameters in the INI's but to no avail.
I also avoid to use the uGridsToLoad parameter as I read multiple times it brings its load of problems and issues.
Apparently, what worked in FO3 or Oblivion is of no help in FONV.
I am well aware of the triple INI thing (Fallout.ini, Fallout_default.ini and FalloutPrefs.ini), and I do make sure the changes are ported to each one.
Has any of you managed to increase the visual quality of the distant world in FONV ? What would you suggest ?
I would be immensely grateful to you if you could help me. I am dying for a more immersive gameplay and currently, well, it's kind of a deal breaker for me.