» Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:57 pm
Definitely worth getting imo, esp for the PC. I wouldnt buy it for either console due to the games glitchiness (console commands can really carry you through some bugs) and lack of mods.
A good chunk of the fanbase (me included) find New Vegas to be vastly superior to the original FO3. Others disagree. If you like general open world exploration and random events to keep you entertained, FO3 is definitely the better game. FO3 also has better visual artistic direction, and Washington DC is a more gripping setting next to the New Vegas desert. New Vegas is superior in general game play mechanics, story and character writing, and presenting you with choices that matter (quests open and close off depending on your actions). I certainly cared a lot more about my choices and the people in New Vegas compared to FO3, for what its worth.
The DLCs for New Vegas have been excellent as well imo. They certainly evoke strong opinions on these forums, and Dead Money is particularly polarising to the player base. Personally I love all 3 of the NV DLCs released thus far, which compares really favourably to FO3's DLC where I only enjoyed Point Lookout, and hated O:A, BS and MZ with a burning, raging passion. (Pitt left me rather meh, great premise marred by lackluster execution). If your opinions on FO3 DLC differ greatly to mine, you may want to be wary of my opinion in general :unsure:
TL:DR; I think its still a solid game worth playing, unless youre one of the unlucky few for whom the game simply will not run properly. It's been significantly patched though, and it (mostly) runs better for me than FO3 did, for whatever thats worth.