General Enquiries
This is not intended as a general enquiries thread. It is assumed that you are trying to find a specific mod, that you have made serious efforts to look for it yourself and that you will provide some identifying information so others can help you. Or as Gren put it:
Just as you go to a detective only when you are looking for a particular person (e.g., "Mary Sue Robinson, age 34, from Oakland, CA"), this thread is for *relocating* a specific mod you had or had seen before but cannot now find. General inquiries ("I am looking for a mod that makes all Bosmer green") deserve their own thread, because they often generate more discussion than a simple "I cannot find that mod by Palinurus which allows you to buy mini-guar; does anyone know where it is?" query.
So, if you want to know if such-and-such kind of mod exists or which mods other folk think are suitable for your purpose please ask those questions in a new and separate thread.
Before You Post Here
Please do your best to find the mod yourself. Most 'missing' mods can be found on Yacoby's and Fliggerty's Even the can sometimes find lost mods.
Also previous Mod Detectives threads are worth checking as your question may already have been answered.
Psyringe's excellent, is a useful read before you ask here.
Please repost here any unanswered specific requests from the previous Detectives threads.
I tend to upload mods that have been recovered to (currently some four hundred mostly older mods) and to Fliggerty's, and encourage others to find permanent download homes for their rediscoveries.
Here are mods that are still missing. If anyone can come up with them it would be appreciated:
Korath's Herbalism Minimal. ....
.... some mods made by Silver_Falcon:
silver's drowhead or something
... Mage Telvanni Items by sk0rponok?