I just wanted to sahre my experiencies with fallout new vegas.
I fell that even thought the combat is hindered by clumbsy animations , acuracy issues and other minor problems
it′s still loads of fun and more exhilarating and scary than your avregae fps.
The other day i was at black montain and decided to rush against 3 super mutant masters , 2 brutes and one nightking
Needless to say i got instakilled
I aproached the mountain more steahlthy injuring some supermutants with 300 meter hunting rifle potshots , and
then i riddled the road to neil′s shack with mines and took out my anabelle rocket launcher and some frag grenades
to maximize their explosion.
What is amazing that supermutant masters dont crumble with one or two shots like most fps
enemies , which kept me on my toes imensly as i strafed around them avoiding successfully their sledge hits and
tried to use a combo of shots to the arms ( with an huting rifle no less) and the head so i could disarm them quickly piccking up the sledgehmmers
they had dropped.
What i men by this description is that i love the combat in fnv there′s a degree of tension and strategy not found
in many other games .
The same situation was aproached in two different ways with very different outcomes , fnv requires a lot of skill
, from the way you move , to the way you aim , to what items you use in a particular situation and in what order.
This game isn′t just deffined by getting close to enemies and slicing their head open with vats as i recall some reviewrs
The thing is this game has a wonderful combat system , a great story , a great atmosphere , great audio design etc..
It′s just the perfect game for me , and you folks at bethesda and obsidian did a great job.
Greets John
PS : Sorry for my english , im not a native speaker