The mod lets you summon your "power animal" - think of these as being like demons from "his dark materials" books

The spell can also be used to command your companion - cast and left click for defensive combat, cast and right click to attack on sight, cast and both buttons and it will hold position. However, each form has its own "power move" that you can activate by tapping the cast button. A bear, for example, will get on its hind legs and roar, knocking foes off their feet, whilst the dog companion will allow you to "smell out" enimies through walls and in darkness at the cost of blurred vision. Activating these powers costs some of you're own fatigue.
Now, I have all the combat forms and stealth forms done, powers, sound effects, scripting and all, and Im starting on the magic forms. However, Im not sure what players would prefer of these two options:
Option One)
A different, possibly non spellcasting form for each magic skill. Example:
Restoration = a deer with combat enabled
Power: Restores nearby allies health
Alteration = Imp
Power: gives the player 70% fire, lightning, and ice shield for 20 seconds
Option Two)
Every mage character has a will-o-the-wisp form that has all of the players spells fighting along side him. When their "power" is activated, they will asploooode themselves in a blast that has differnt effects for each skill- restoration asplosion will heal nearby allies, Destruction will asplode into fire, conjoration will asplode and be replaced by a few skeletons, etc etc
I only ask because whilst the idea of a companion that has all my own spells is pretty awsome, mage types might be a bit peeved they dont get a representation of themselves. And no, before anyone asks, Im not smart enough to combine them and have fire-ball shooting deers

Gonna hopefully have this done in a day or two (most of the work from here will be copying and pasting scripts and adding the new effects) so fast answers appreciated

Mysterious Mr. Bear