Return of Jyggalag

Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:01 pm

Not really Jyggalag related, but seriously, paint the Order Knight's a little more blue, and you have an awesome Stalhrim armor look. Just sayin'.

Speaking of awesome armor, I think a "Helmet of Order" as a reward for his shrine quest is in....well, order!
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:10 am

Speaking of awesome armor, I think a "Helmet of Order" as a reward for his shrine quest is in....well, order!

I doubt they'd be that creative, It'd probably just be Jyggalag's sword.

I really don't even want to think about Daedric quests. First run through Oblivion I got so excited seeing Daedric shrines, only to have a bleeding third of them give inconsequential staves.

It would be fitting if Sheogorath rewarded players with the Spear Of Bitter Mercy once more though, only to find that the player cannot equip it since, you know, spear technology died around the end of the events at Red Mountain.
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:52 am

seen him . time to show someone new instead of rehashing someone old .
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Kim Kay
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:30 pm

seen him . time to show someone new instead of rehashing someone old .

Well, a totally new prince would certainly be interesting as well. :obliviongate:
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:25 am

I thought that at the end of SI the CoC became the new Sheogorath after defeating Jyggalag.

I think there was an idea that could work, that the CoC, regardless of gender or race before SI, eventually would transform into the Sheogorath we all know and love (whoch would make it very possible to make SI canon and bring Sheogorath back in the next game. I don't remember if Jyggalag was either destroyed or banished but I think he could be in Skyrim, if he wasn't destroyed, maybe someone that survived the greymarch left the Shivering Isles and wanted to create a shrine for him (he would also be wearing the order priest armor just for awesomeness).

But enough about those 2, I WANT MOAR PERYITE! He is a dragon, and since we can see dragons actually move about in this game, it would be perfect if he had an extended set of missions. Peryite is the ruler of the lesser plains of Oblivion, so maybe something happens in his plain that causes all hell to break loose. He would hire you to enter his plain like in OB (except not a dumb copy of a regular Oblivion portal area, though idk what it would be) and you could actually fight with him to destroy whatever was causing trouble (Or I guess fight him instead if you were a mean person).
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Danny Warner
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 11:35 pm

Prefer Sheogorath, alot to be said for chaos, chaos is the friend of invention and the new, if order reigned skyrim wouldn't exist in reality or be exactly like desktop rpgs with dice, with the rules set in stone.
Plus Jyggalag wouldn't be loved for solving all chaos (problems) as he'd simply wipe the slate clean, that was my general impression of his obsession with order in a totalitarian fashion. Not saying no one would worship him for it.
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Trey Johnson
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:51 am

except... havent you listened to sheogorath, and seen what KIND of order jyggalag likes?

his order basically is just another form of destruction... his minions are abominations even in the eyes of other daedra princes.

jyggalag would definitely not be an ally to any mortal, let alone a trend-setter...

trust me, his order would only lead tamriel into being a grey wasteland of dull nothingness.

a statue of him appearing along with other princes' statues with quests from him, and possibly artifacts as rewards, would be interesting, though... if he even has any artifacts to give.

chances are his reward would be stripping you of life and crystalizing you, though. :confused:

This, unfortunately. I'd like to see him appear in a Shrine quest, or at least be mentioned, to stay canon. But having him as an ally would backfire horribly, as the destruction in the Shivering Isles and the Priests/Knights of Order proved.

seen him . time to show someone new instead of rehashing someone old .

It doesn't really work that way. More Daedric princes can't just appear like that. They're all known by now, and more certainly can't be created (except for odd cases, like the end of Shivering Isles. But even then the player wasn't a Prince proper.)
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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:44 am

Meh, I don't pay much attention to him.
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Dale Johnson
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:23 pm

I think they're considered one in the same.
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