BoS capital wasteland chapter VS Mojave wasteland chapter

Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:44 pm

What do u think? I love the the Brotherhood in the capitol wasteland, because there so many, they actually help other people, and holds many important military positions :mohawk: But the Mojave chapter? :shrug: Nah, lack of awesomeness. Losing a battle because of lack of men is not acceptable for a brother of steel. What do u think? :dance:
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:52 am

The BoS in the CW grew strong by realizing their Codex was a load of bunko, the Mojave chapter are blindly loyal to that hunk of junk. While admirable, they are to bound up in following an outdated sheet of rules instead of conforming to the times. House, NCR, Caesar, while they all vary in ideology, they bring around civilization in their own rights, House the cushiest and elite, NCR the most democratic and flawed, and Caesar the safest and brutal, but they all bring change in a good way, the 'True' BoS are by and large a stagnant pond incapable of accepting the world around them is changing for the better. Lyon's chapter has learned this, hell the BOOMERS learned this, but most of the BoS are to rooted in their elitism to see out their own power armor helmets.
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 2:32 pm

The BoS in the CW grew strong by realizing their Codex was a load of bunko, the Mojave chapter are blindly loyal to that hunk of junk. While admirable, they are to bound up in following an outdated sheet of rules instead of conforming to the times. House, NCR, Caesar, while they all vary in ideology, they bring around civilization in their own rights, House the cushiest and elite, NCR the most democratic and flawed, and Caesar the safest and brutal, but they all bring change in a good way, the 'True' BoS are by and large a stagnant pond incapable of accepting the world around them is changing for the better. Lyon's chapter has learned this, hell the BOOMERS learned this, but most of the BoS are to rooted in their elitism to see out their own power armor helmets.


I have a lot respect for the Capital Wasteland Brotherhood in their own right, but as one might guess my vote goes for the Enclave :P
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:56 am

The CWBoS are way better then the wimps hiding in underground bunkers from a few dozen idiots with Service Rifles (well a few dozen in that area, if I was the elder I would head west until I get past (after wiping out) Sloan, then I would head north and expand the chapter in Utah or further north, somewhere that is not colonized by a lrage faction.
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:54 am

East? West? [censored] that. Terra Pax Americana!
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:53 am

are we talking about the brotherhood of steel or the hells angels?
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:33 am

Is this a serious question?

Of course the CWBoS. Haven't you seen how they've been made the Powerhouse of F3?
The Mojave chapter on the other hand spends most of the time being digged underground and even getting their asses handed to a bunch(okay, dozen more like) of grunts.
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:48 am

Is this a serious question?

Of course the CWBoS. Haven't you seen how they've been made the Powerhouse of F3?
The Mojave chapter on the other hand spends most of the time being digged underground and even getting their asses handed to a bunch(okay, dozen more like) of grunts.

Well the Mojave BoS were being outnumbered 15-to-1 or something like that. What have Lyon's Brotherhood faught? The engaged the Super Mutants with their own men and hadn't made much headway in 20 years and they unleashed a God-mode bot and 19 year old on the Enclave. The only times when the Enclave doesn't face Prime but the BoS - like on the AAFB runway - the Brotherhood get creamed.
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:20 am

Is the op actually serious ? The mojave would obviously win :tongue: .
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:42 am

Well the Mojave BoS were being outnumbered 15-to-1 or something like that. What have Lyon's Brotherhood faught? The engaged the Super Mutants with their own men and hadn't made much headway in 20 years and they unleashed a God-mode bot and 19 year old on the Enclave. The only times when the Enclave doesn't face Prime but the BoS - like on the AAFB runway - the Brotherhood get creamed.

Yeah 15 to 1 against a faction who can't even give all there troops regular body armor ohhhh big challange .
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:34 am

Yeah 15 to 1 against a faction who can't even give all there troops regular body armor ohhhh big challange .

Well clearly it was, the BoS lost.
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:42 pm

Well clearly it was, the BoS lost.

Ohh because the devs wrote means it makes sense jeez louise they shoudn't even be able to scratch there t-b51 with turd service rifles
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:48 am

Ohh because the devs wrote means it makes sense jeez louise they shoudn't even be able to scratch there t-b51 with turd service rifles

What the Devs right is canon, regardless of what we think. What you can do is find a plausable explaination to fit the evidence, especially if facts about the battle are pretty much non-existant. Maybe their was a heavy Ranger presence at the battle, Helios is described by the BoS and by the new NCR garrison as very indefensible, maybe they kitted their men with pulse grenades for this important task, maybe the Brotherhood ran out of ammo for all their fancy [censored].

Finding a explaination to suit your view is better than pissing and moaning about it not being fair. There are no accounts of the battle other than the Brotherhood ultimately lost and the NCR heavily outnumbered them. You want to defend the BoS then do so, don't complain.

EDIT: You open up at any piece of armour with 15 rifles and it will be penetrated. Power Armour is tough, but if you unload a minigun into it - of 5mm ammo no less - then you would expect it to falter.
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:23 pm

Ohh because the devs wrote means it makes sense jeez louise they shoudn't even be able to scratch there t-b51 with turd service rifles

The CW BoS were up against even weaker enemies. Poorly trained raiders and slavers, and Super Mutants so dumb that they can't even beat a bunch of little kids. Not to mention how wasteful they are with their tech.
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:18 pm

Why is there no 'none of the above' option?

The Capitol Wasteland's BoS is kind of [censored], as they don't really do much, they squat in the Pentagon all day and let a 19 year-old and her dog fight off a massive army of what the BoS wanted to be.

And then the Mojave's chapter is just as [censored], because they holed up in a bunker, where...excuse if I'm wrong, but there is no alternate escape route. If Nightkin, or Vet Rangers, or again! Some chick and her cybernetic dog decide to storm that place, their ass-[censored].

And then, I'm just biased against the Enclave because Col. Autumn's voice reminds me of my boss at Starbucks when I was 17, and he was a real dike.
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Dean Ashcroft
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:09 am

why is this even a discussion ~_~
the capital wasteland BoS is superior to the Mojave chapter in every way.
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kirsty williams
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:08 pm

The enclave would kill the mojave
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:19 pm

the Mojave chapter would get their hides tanned by liberty prime because he sees them as...

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Suzy Santana
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 2:02 pm

The Mojave chapter of the Brotherhood is going to lose to pretty much anybody, their numbers have been decimated and their too afraid of losing more men to even leave their bunker. Now if want to talk about the entire west coast BoS uniting against Lyons bunch? That might be more of a fair fight, but just the Mojave chapter? They get crushed.
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