Jason, if you're here, somewhere, anywhere.... could you do us a favor and check with Steam what problem they have? I've been trying to play NV now for 5 or 6 hours, but I constantly get the message that the servers are full and I have to wait a few minutes. It does not happen with other games that I run on Steam. Others have experienced it too.
I know this isnt the right section, but this thread (even though part 2) is known to draw Jason's attention.
Jason, if you're here, somewhere, anywhere.... could you do us a favor and check with Steam what problem they have? I've been trying to play NV now for 5 or 6 hours, but I constantly get the message that the servers are full and I have to wait a few minutes. It does not happen with other games that I run on Steam. Others have experienced it too.
I know this isnt the right section, but this thread (even though part 2) is known to draw Jason's attention.
I have had the same problem with steam today, I played for half an hour this morning, then I made an awesome mod in the GECK but when I tried to start the game to test my mod steam said the servers were full! :brokencomputer:
Jason, if you're here, somewhere, anywhere.... could you do us a favor and check with Steam what problem they have? I've been trying to play NV now for 5 or 6 hours, but I constantly get the message that the servers are full and I have to wait a few minutes. It does not happen with other games that I run on Steam. Others have experienced it too.
I know this isnt the right section, but this thread (even though part 2) is known to draw Jason's attention.
This a Steam Issue, you should ask in the Steam Forums
Did anyone else notice that Mr. Jason Bergman said his favorite New Vegas weapons isn't out YET?!? I have question for you, Mr. Bergman, is it a gun, melee, explosive, or energy weapon? Perhaps a hint, pretty please?
I don't think we have a need for another one of these spam threads. Jason feels terrible that Lonesome Road isn't out this month, but it's something where it was out of our control.
Good news is we're very close to having a final release date. We'll be sharing that with you as quickly as possible.