mod compatibility?

Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:27 am

Hello, well for some reason the new interface on the New Vegas Nexus isnt letting me see the comments or leave any on the mod pages so I thought id ask here. There are 3 mods, ADAM - A Definitive Armor Mod that replaces the Combat Ranger Helmet with a new mesh, the 2nd mod is CR-HD Combat Ranger Armor Retexture, and the 3rd is the Ranger Helmet Neck Cover mod. Now I know that the first and second are compatible, and the second and third are compatible, but the Neck Covers file is the same one as the ADAM Helmet replacer so overriding them is obviously gonna mess things up. But in the pictures in CR-HD it seems as though he is using BOTH mods...

Does anyone know if/how it can be done to use both?

For reference here are the links:

So if anyone can help I would really appreciate it! Thanks!
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Marcia Renton
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:45 pm

In the comments of ADAM, it's mentioned that a new version is going to be released which includes Gopher's neck cover. Before that comes out, ADAM and the neck cover will be incompatible. This might take a while! Unfortunately, for now we can't use them together without learning how to edit meshes.

I don't think the pictures at CR-HD show both mods, but if they do, it's because EmeraldReign works on both CR-HD and ADAM so might have access to an unrelased version including the neck cover
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Sarah MacLeod
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