When trying to initiate V.A.T.S. on some enemies, my Fallout character will keep backing up in one spot(as if moonwalking in place) and will not fire off shots. This has happened with multiple weapons. Enemies are able to attack my character even when my character is attempting to execute the V.A.T.S. attack. It will not leave V.A.T.S. untill the shots are fired, the enemies can continue to attack untill you finish V.A.T.S. leaving you dead in the process because your character is unable to execute the V.A.T.S attack. You cannot try to exit V.A.T.S. unless you are killed or successfully execute the moves you selected. :brokencomputer:
Second issue
After i attatched the 'Expanded Flamer Tanks' mod to the flamer, i finished using the weapon during combat but its graphics remained on my characters back. For some reason even if i put the weapon away, dropped the weapon, or equipped different weapons, the Flamer tanks stayed on my character's back(The new and improved red ones because it changes colors after applying the mod). I tried multiple methods of trying to get it to reload or fix the graphic error. I even reloaded the save game, and it stayed. I then reloaded a earlier save game, and the graphic was still on my character! And that character didnt even have a Flamer! This is a very confusing error, please help! :flamethrower: