The Worst Guns?

Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:39 am

Recharger pistol is good for a energy weapons character who doesn't want to waste ammo killing low level goons.

The time it takes to recharge to me was always too slow. After you fire the full clip its like 3 seconds for another shot, my not be that long but in a fight it sure feels it
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 2:51 am

I can understand people dissing guns, but Fatman?..why? the gun (mini nuke launcher to be exact) is probably the most powerful thing in the entire game, and it was design to clear out an entire pack of heavy hitting, high-hp goons, such as Deathclaws, super Mutants, and other higher level creatures, while you dont break a sweat. Its damage got an actual buff in one of the patches, with the Demolition Expert actually working on it, and it does nearly 2000 damage a pop. It was made for Explosive experts out there, as the Fatman and Mercy are the top of the game in the Explosive List. every other skill has their own King in the weapons list. when a pure explosive character puts his perks in the right place, the Fatman can clear an entire mountain in just one shot. I want to see a gun do that, one then stop whining. the Fatman has its own unique flaws of course, but that doesn't make it useless.

In Fallout 3 that is the plan. In New Vegas they just decided to make it way weaker. In Fallout 3 I could have 15 explosives and still kill anything with it. I've shot a fatman at a deathclaw and the mini-nuke jsut bounced off... :sadvaultboy:
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 2:18 pm

I struggle to name a gun in this game that's completely useless.

That's what makes this game so good.
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kyle pinchen
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 2:41 am

I never liked the silenced .22 pistol because it is so weak in game, but in real life a .22 handgun does some serious damage to an unarmored target because of the way the bullet deforms on impact. I think the .22 pistol would be a better in game weapon if all .22 rounds had a target DT times 3 penalty, but then give the gun a fairly high damage of 25 or so.
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rheanna bruining
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:33 pm

I struggle to name a gun in this game that's completely useless.

That's what makes this game so good.

This - most of the guns listed here can actually be good on the right build.

FatMan is uber - one shot everything
Silenced Pistol and Silenced 22 SMG - both are quite strong with a max crit build, better crits and the Professional perk. Don't knock if you have not tried it
Service Rifle - Fully upgraded it is a beast in the low levels. I have killed a group of three Death Claws with one before. Not sneak sniping
That Gun - hits hard, loads fast, high crits.

Personally, the guns I like the least is the 10MM SMG and the 357 Pistol. The 10mm SMG gets beaten by the 9mm and the 12.7mm SMG. The 357 Pistol reloads to darn slow. Even with Rapid Reload and a high agility. I will take a 10mm pistol over it any day.
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:52 am

Recharge weapons, .22 Pistol. I've never used them on my Guns or Energy Weapon playthroughs.
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:56 am

The 22. Is great at early levels, the recharged rifle is the worst: Low damage, long charge up time, fairly inaccurate, and stupidly heavy.
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Tiffany Castillo
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:08 am

There really is no weapon thts uselees EXCEPT for regular knifes.
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:42 am

There really is no weapon thts uselees EXCEPT for regular knifes.

There useful at the start since there easily found and at the time their powerful
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:36 am

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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:12 pm

In Fallout 3 that is the plan. In New Vegas they just decided to make it way weaker. In Fallout 3 I could have 15 explosives and still kill anything with it. I've shot a fatman at a deathclaw and the mini-nuke jsut bounced off... :sadvaultboy:

well thats the point. Each skill has their own weaponry to invest their perks in to make them ungodly. I'm an Explosive kind of guy so with all the Explosive perks added, the Fatman makes Deathclaws look like mere toys, while huge raiding groups, Super mutants, and other enemies can't stand up against me when I wield it. In Fallout 3, you could basically BE a god, specialized in nearly every skill and weaponry, since you are able to have 30 perks, it really wasnt a problem for players to make a multi-roled character, thus making specific roleplaying characters a dead end. In Fallout New Vegas, you have to choose, and choose wisely, making the game much more immersive.
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 3:40 pm

for people who say "Recharger weapons" look at it this way. Before level 6 it is hard to keep your energy weapons fed. After Vigilant Recycler it is alot easier plus during the time you can start stock piling MFC, SEC, ECP. I always run to the Coyote Den near Good springs when I'm making an Energy Weapon Character. Due to the fact the Dead Bright Brotherrhood has a Recharger Rifle with him, and I don't have to worry about using Energy Cells before level 6. ^_^!

Also, on the Comment on the Brush Gun. That gun us based of the Marlin 1895 Guide gun. so it has to be lever action, and I don't know any company that makes a 45-70 Bolt action, that would have to be a Custom job. plus Carrying the Brush Gun just makes it feel way more "Western"
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:42 pm

The knife and .22 pistol. Just wandering of the subject a minute, i've dropped my .44 Magnum but can,t remember where i dropped it. I've tried to get one from caravans and the like but no one seems to have one . Any ideas where i can pick one up.
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Brentleah Jeffs
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:23 pm

The knife and .22 pistol. Just wandering of the subject a minute, i've dropped my .44 Magnum but can,t remember where i dropped it. I've tried to get one from caravans and the like but no one seems to have one . Any ideas where i can pick one up.

if you do the Tops sidequests, you can get a unique .44 magnum?
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Kayleigh Williams
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:28 am

BB gun.
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:24 am

if you do the Tops sidequests, you can get a unique .44 magnum?

Yes you can get the Mysterious Magnum if you successfully pass a Barter check of 50 when you're hiring the Lonesome Drifter for the Talent Pool quest. Of course you can either pickpocket his ammo, fast-travel somewhere else then back and then pickpocket the gun or simply kill him and loot his corpse.
NOTE: Killing him before completing the quest will automatically fail it.
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