Why are some people on the forums really bad at detecting sarcasm. I know it's text, but still.
OT: OP, it's a fairly reasonable (and popular) feature in hardcoe mode. Just don't pick up ammo *all* the time, use guns that share the same ammo type (Survivalist's Rifle, 12.7mm SMG, and 12.7mm pistol for instance). You don't need 1,000 rounds of 5.56 just for one Marksman Carbine. I limit it to around 300, and store the rest for when I'm low. You just need to learn to manage your inventory better, that's all.
I have been championing the use of coloring one's text in the color fucsia when being facetious for just such reasons.
Get it? Fuscia text for facetious? FUSCious? Get it? No, seriously. If you ever see a post of mine in purple text, I'm making sure everyone knows I'm being facetious. While I don't normally condone sarcasm in general, expecially when directed to another poster, we could at least use scarlet to denote it,
or is that too difficult for our little brains? (see? scarlet sarcasm? I was being sarcastic.)
Oh, and just to add to the topic some more, the basic load of the Marine rifleman back in my day was six mags of 5.56mm in the pouches, 30 rounds each and another full mag in the rifle. That's 210 rounds. Of course, we never loaded the mags with 30. I was in back when they had cheap ass mag follower springs and the damn things would break if you put the full 30 in. We only loaded them to 28.
-Gunny out.