Question for the forum's old timers

Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:04 pm

I understand that some people are probably too negative, but people have a right to be skeptic.

Oblivion is a great game, but it did genuinely lack in several areas. I am still psyched for Skyrim, (mainly because, well, there won't be Oblivion style level scaling. As a console gamer, I would pay full price for a damn remake of Oblivion, as long as it didn't have so much level scaling, but I digress)

I am very positive on these forums, but I understand and accept the uncomfortable but necessary negativity. Keeps Beth on their toes :) Besides, they have stated several times that they enjoy constructive criticism.
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NIloufar Emporio
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:07 pm

People don't like change and that's fine, the problem starts when they light a fire and everyone starts feeding it, getting larger and larger.

No, the problem starts when people like you start lecturing people who've been around since the early Ultimas that they "don't like change" - not only is it presumptuous to lecture others on what they are thinking, it's highly ridiculous when these people have been through more change in their gaming than you could possibly imagine.
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:43 pm

*Everyone* does not complain about the next game in the series. I love Oblivion and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. *I* think it's a great game and I have a great time playing it and have for years. I'm really looking forward to Skyrim and I think it's going to blow all other TES games out of the water. I can onlly speak for me but I don't understand the "keep all the old stuff in the game" crowd. I want to play a new game and change keeps things fresh or it would get really old and really boring and it would really svck.

That's all. Just mho. :)

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Umpyre Records
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:38 pm

"keep all the old stuff & Improve it in the game" crowd.

How will that make it boring.. if such did happen TES right now would have more content then you could even list.
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GabiiE Liiziiouz
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 2:49 pm

No, the problem starts when people like you start lecturing people who've been around since the early Ultimas that they "don't like change" - not only is it presumptuous to lecture others on what they are thinking, it's highly ridiculous when these people have been through more change in their gaming than you could possibly imagine.
Well, people like me aren't forbidden to "lecture" are we?
I respect the people who've been through that change but change is inevitable. Relax. :confused:
Kinda what I'm talking about.
I'm done with this thread.
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danni Marchant
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:25 pm

How will that make it boring.. if such did happen TES right now would have more content then you could even list.

They have a budget and timeframe to adhere to. Zenimax wouldn't let Todd say "hey we need double the budget and double the time to make the next game." It's not feasible to improve upon every single feature of every game in the series and then add all new content on top of that. Complain to Zenimax/Bethesda Softworks, not BGS. Todd doesn't have unlimited funds, unlimited time, and an unlimited team.
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michael danso
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:20 pm

How will that make it boring.. if such did happen TES right now would have more content then you could even list.

budget, timeframe, manpower, quality, and game size all constrain what Bethesda can do
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Kitana Lucas
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 12:57 am

I don't know... I was about eight years old when Morrowind came out. I played that then and loved it. When Oblivion came out, I loved that too. Maybe I was considered "too young" but I never even thought about things that were in Morrowind but were removed in Oblivion, aside from a few abilities that I missed. For the most part, I complained about things that were kind of dumb and seemed to be missing... which, interestingly enough, STILL have not made it into Skyrim.

Things like, mounted combat, cloth and hair physics, and a few other things as well, namely spears and crossbows were all things that didn't make it into Oblivion and, roughly five years later, haven't made it into Skyrim either. Some things that I had previously hoped for actually were added in, like beards - finally - and dual wielding... but, for the most part, I seem to be thinking of more things that keep getting taken out and things that should be in the game rather than a few improvements over Oblivon and Morrowind here and there, which actually isn't much compared to all the crap that they've left out. Granted, I was playing on an XBOX back then, and plan to play Skyrim on the PC, but these things should still be in the "vanilla" version without having to be added in by really bad user mods.

Anyway, my point being is that I loved both Morrowind and Oblivon - not now, of course, they are far too old at this point - and I will probably love Skyrim but I feel as though the people complaining about Oblivion actually had the luxury and right to do so just as much as they complain about Skyrim now. Whether they complained before or after these games came or have come out, it doesn't matter as I think that, for the most part, their complaints are rather feasible.

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Marguerite Dabrin
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:46 am

@Passage You don't love Morrowind and Oblivion anymore because they're "too old"?
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Svenja Hedrich
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:05 am

The pre-Morrowind era saw a relatively modest amount of negativity in the forums from Daggerfall fans. I remember people being mainly upset about the size difference, the lack of horses, and something to do with the beast races (can't really remember what), but the complainers weren't nearly as loud as they are now. Granted, the fanbase back then was only a fraction of the size of the current one.

The transition from Morrowind to Oblivion was much worse, in my opinion. People were getting more and more upset as the release date grew nearer and more information was revealed. The worst period, however, was after Oblivion hit the stores. A lot of people came into the forums to voice their disappointments -- and there were plenty of disappointments to be had. The Daggerfall fans weren't nearly as bad after the release of Morrowind.

My guess is that most of the negativity in the forums today is caused by Morrowind fans who were in some way offended by Oblivion and are sensing that the same thing might happen with Skyrim.
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:44 pm

You shouldn't have any problem paying back school loans, given that apparently, you don't think twice about spending money for other things...

Funny thing is that there are people who'd love to spend their money on things THEY care for, instead of being expected to appreciate everything they are being served.

Wait, what? Is the implication here that people who enjoy the games are mindless sheep that eat whatever they're fed? Most of us think very carefully about things we spend money on, and we buy the things we think we'll like. It's not any more complicated than that. No one is mindlessly throwing money at Bethesda.
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