Well I wouldn't call the Orc race a 'beast' race. In TES they are Mer or 'Elves'.
I think a lot of people like the Orcs but the stereotype of them being 'ugly' is holding them back.
Yeah, sorry I didn't mean to imply Orcs were a "beast" race, that term is definitely for Argonian and Khajit. But when they released that first screenshot of one in front of that downed tree and cavern, I'll admit I had a strange attraction to it, I mean why did they make the orcs strangely sixy (which to be honest is rather unbelievable) and the humans rather ugly? It's very frustrating, and btw I am the OP of that very frustrating topic: "Anyone else worried the human males are way too ugly and macho?!", I recognize you from there, you were one of the nice ones lol.