» Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:57 pm
1. That already is a rule, interpolation makes you think it isn't a rule. Remember, these servers are client side calculated.
2. If everyone had air stomp that'd be more annoying that everyone having a k-volt.
3. I do not run around in any mode either than power, when I get to a dog fight, or suspect one, that's when I flick on armor mode.
1. Not exactly, lag often makes it look like they aren't hitting you on the cam, but I tested melee a lot. Its very consolised compared to crysis wars. Crysis wars melee was 1 hit kill in power mode, but it was used fairly rarely, this is because you had to accurately hit them. The melee in crysis 2, is an area of effect attack, slighty wider than your body and as high as your body. This means that you can melee at the ground and hit someone at your head height, but the same does not work for meleeing people below you if you are in the air. Lag affects jumps quite a bit, as they can hit your afterimage thats still at that their headheight with the melee AOE attack.
2. yeah, air stomp is potentially good, they should need to make a tactical perk choice to use it.
3. Yeah, its tough to choose between armour enhance 3 or nano enhance 3, I think if a player can consistantly kill before their regular armour goes down then nano enahnce is the better choice.